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Psychotherapy Classics

(((PEANUT)))) I just made an assumption that you were living with your parents. I understand how difficult it is. My relationship with my Mom has been similar to yours with your Dad. It sounds like you had a lot of stress all at once. My Mom is not willing to be educated either and so, it's the same for me: I have to take certain steps in order to be more independent from her. I wish you luck with your visit. It sounds incredibly stressful.Read More...


Melatonin Yep - Nightmares - gorey ones. I still woke up at 1 and 3 and 4. But I will say it made me so sleepy that I went back to sleep really easily. I just really didn't want to close my eyes again after that 3 am nightmare. I feel a little off this morning. Sort of dizzy and still tired. That may be because my ED has kept me from eating more than a few tablespoons of food for the last few days. I think I'll wait a few days and maybe try it again. JillannRead More...
Lieder, Monte, Poppet, Thank you! I appreciate all your responses. Liese, I have been meaning to update my story from where I left off. I haven't had the energy. But I will. (((poppet))), Thank you so much for your kind and encouraging words.Read More...


I had two terribly sad dreams last night. First let me say I had the most intense t session on Friday. I was finally able to talk to t about something that I am so ashamed about. So that has my head spinning currently. I had been in therapy 20 years ago and have just returned about two months ago. In my first dream my current t was telling me she was going to have to terminate me because she had to move away. I woke up so scared that I called her office phone just to hear her voice. In the...Read More...
i've done one yesterday, and one today. and also two the day before. becca - i think that is so neat what your niece's husband is doing (don't you wish there was a family word for that? nephew in law? lol I don't know!!). it's amazing how one person can inspire others. i know when someone does a random nice thing for me i'm deeply grateful, and i'm grateful when I can do something. poppet - it's a great concept. have you seen the movie titled the same? (paying it forward) R2G - I'm glad you...Read More...

Hello, Everyone

chum, welcome to the forum. i was not around when you initially posted. i'm at a point myself where i'm not sure about quitting therapy all together. i do think people can become dependent on it, but at certain points you need to be. it's a good topic, of course, to bring up in t. again, welcome.Read More...
hi anagum, of course you're going to be sad too, and have a whole lot of mixed feelings about it. i hope you had a chance to have some sessions to talk about the termination and get some closure, even if it was your decision to leave. it does sound like you know what you're doing in leaving this T and i hope the next one is a much better match for you! puppetRead More...
way to go rabbityears!!! i think that is huge... i know how hard it is to bring these secrets out to someone, you're waiting for the lightning to strike, but it won't. it's ok now, it's your life and your voice and you can use it. i hope you can continue feeling proud of yourself! puppetRead More...

What a question

I have been putting this question to myself a lot lately. So far the answer I feel most in tune with goes like this: I am in a process of individuating, integrating (because I feel like a fragmented mess), and healing. This would be going on in someway with or without T because it seems to be what life is asking of me, but talking with her each week facilitates the process, and provides containment and grounding when necessary. P.S. Yeah, I think counselling can become a habit. An expensive...Read More...


I obviously have too much time on my hands, but was thinking of summertime memories *Watermelon & home made pop cycles. *Freezing veges from garden. Was a huge process. *Walking barefoot on blk top to get to the community pool when no siblings would carry me. Oww oww Oww! *Fresh black raspberry pie! & the chigger bites to proove it. *Making ice cream. Geez that took forever! *Hanging my hand out the car window to try & catch the long grass as we drove by it. *Bridge jumping w/o...Read More...
Hi RT, My cats have saved my life... both of them I brought in to my life at different times. Since I have been home from the hospital their support and entertainment has meant the world. I really want to work with animals... even though it makes me sad too [and sorry about your ETC treatments, I'm sure those were very difficult!] but I have such an amazing heartfelt bond with them (animals) I can't see anything else my heart could go toward. I also want to meet different people... I think...Read More...

T is gone, how do you decide between 2 new therapists?

Thanks for the comments Liese and poppet. T3 is an older guy (so no physical attraction as I'm young) that does psychodynamic therapy, which is the same as all the rest. There's not much difference between him and T2 but for feeling more comfortable with him. I think I feel more comfortable with him because he reminds me less of T1 - it's like a whole new world instead of being constantly reminded that my 'real' therapist is gone. We've only had 4 sessions though so it's also like a new...Read More...


Haha, I used to love watching the Avengers in my youth (although for me they were re-runs, lol). Emma Peel was my favorite role model. Still is, in some ways. So a few people have actually told me I look a little like her, but admittedly this was before kids.Read More...
Aw, that is nice to hear, thanks. My current T is "eclectic", but primarily Rogerian. She's pretty adaptable in her approach to. . . well, everything. That's been good in some ways because I never feel controlled or like she is imposing her views or agenda on me, but there has been some trial and error and occasional frustration in figuring out the best way to use my sessions and how to work productively. We spent a lot of time the first year or so just getting to know eachother. I was slow...Read More...
yeah, i do think it's a really good metaphor. i'm pleased it's clicking with others here, and thanks for saying so. (((fishy))) i'm afraid my soil isn't quite there, either. it's okay, though. we're working on it. i haven't been to therapy for nearly 6 months now. i'm getting close to returning. gonna have to talk about money, though. money's a big trigger for me, so that won't be much fun. therapy: a true love/hate relationship!Read More...