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The PsychCafe
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Psychotherapy Classics

I see my Pdoc for 15min & only discuss meds & how they make me feel. Nothing outside of that like external things that may effect it. I don't like that bec I know there are other tho gs that effect my mood besides meds. I see him every 2-3 wks bec we've been doing A LOT of med changes. I feel he does his job & that's it. A personality would b nice but I guess I'm not paying for that. I try to go by word of mouth on references. People don't lie about drs. Good luck.Read More...

Being a Lurker

Hi turtle, I definitely come and go here,mainly because of time pressures but also because I am wary about putting my stuff out there and tend to keep personal thoughts and opinions in. I do feel that I am not being a 'good' memeber if I don't post regularly, but I always read and gets lots from the board in doing that. My T would definitely tell me not to feel pressurised into doing anything I didn't want to. Saying that turtle it's always lovely to hear from you starfishyRead More...

Deal breaker?

GE Hugs to you! I'm sorry ur having a difficult time. You received a variety of answers so something for you to think about. I do know that thru my marriage & having mental issues that the worst time for me to make a big decision is when I'm not well. I've learned that I'll make extreme decisions then & sometimes regret it. That's just me. As for the H part I know how extremely difficult it can b when you don't feel supported by him. In my case I not only feel unsupported but totally...Read More...

resources for senior citizens

((((JILLANN)))) Your post was very informative. Thank you so much for all the information. I didn't know that about the apathy. I'm physically close to my Mom and so more in a position to help her. I've suggested anti-depressants but she said no. (She said she's depressed.) She took her own Mom to the doctor and put her on anti-depressants so I have a bit of leverage there. I'm hoping they would perk her up a bit and motivate her to go out. My grandmother lived until she was 92 and saw every...Read More...
lol, RT SD, That is interesting. . . I never feel sleepy when I dissociate. I feel cut off from things, numbed, frozen, far away, but also very tense. It's a strange feeling. I suppose it is dissociation? Maybe it takes different forms. Anyway, that is funny about your T being more alert in the morning. Maybe she should have an afternoon coffee? lol. Glad you two worked out a solution though.Read More...


Hi Tas, Sorry to jump in from out of nowhere - I've been around for a while but I don't post very often. I'm wondering if your reaction might be something to do with what they call disorganised attachment. Other people can describe this better than me, but basically, if we grow up with caregivers who hurt us, we end up with some very mixed reactions to closeness. When we want to be close to someone we also want to push away from them at the same time. Little kids with disorganised attachment...Read More...
oh, that is not fair.... stomping feet. I am really following this thread so super closely as I am always grappling with this issue and you all have really helped me take a step forward. CD, can you pls repost as I missed it, but understand if you arent able to. SomedaysRead More...


Thanks for asking. It was a weird situation. My mom died and that is what started it. She called me every single day from that point on. I could even understand calling for a few days after my mom died as I was devastated but then it went on and on. And oddly rather than feeling like a feast, it started to feel really depressing and I began to not really care about her or the calls. I began to miss sessions etc. So strange when I have thought for so many years that increased attention would...Read More...


RT, That was a good story to read...thanks for sharing. Also, the comments that people left about not having the resources to deal with their bi-polar is also a reality for many and that is sad...or in some cases of someone I know who just won't...sad too.Read More...
thank you sweet morgs! you always send your support and hugs on the coundown thread so nothing was missed! ok, i will try greeneyes, thank you! and you're right! and i'm exhausted... i'll let you know how it goes after, but i might not post before my session as i like to stew in my own 'juices' before an important session... we'll see, i might come here to say i am running away and hiding puppetRead More...

I started DBT therapy today

Thank you Cat! You're always so supportive of me and it doesn't go unnoticed. Yeah it is unnerving being in skills group with her consultation team. I mean they know A LOT about me. When I started with this new T I was not in a good place and she told me that she consulted with them a lot about me. So I know they know a lot. I have to set shame and pride aside to do this. I feel like they could easily be judging me right now. UghRead More...

How to deal with annoying people??

Oh my! You guys have given me so much support! It means the world to me. And you're right this lady is a royal BEYOTCH! I had to laugh at some of your responses to her behavior! lol! Born2Write you particularly cracked me up with the raw egg toss idea! ROFL. I can't imagine what she'd do! lol And it does feel like someone at work who I have to tolerate because after all living in the same building I have to deal with her on a pretty regular basis. I think she likes me believe it or not but I...Read More...

Stepping down

(((CTL))) you've been such a great contributor here, and i've missed you over the months but understand that life goes on. i wish you the best in whatever you do and hope you can pop your head in at the cafe from time to time. good luck to you!Read More...