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Psychotherapy Classics


(((erica))) I have a friend from another forum who is out your way, so I got the blow-by-blow from someone in person. Also sending lots of prayers. West Coast, USA, here.Read More...

My therapist hurt me so badly today

((((TURTLE)))) The last time my T went away he told me that I could call any of the therapists he shares his suite with. I don't know any of them but see them in the waiting room. I was triggered by T in our last session before his vacation and there was no way I could go to any one of those therapists and talk about my feelings for my T. If you are not comfortable doing DBT with the consultation group, tell T you will find another DBT group. Just my opinion.Read More...
Thank you for understanding, Poppet. TN, I can see why you have to work so hard to get over what was done to you. I am disgusted at the profession for what oT did to you. He is such a jerk! At least my oT is able to offer a polite greeting. The first time I ran into her was about six months after she terminated me and she said hello, but I quickly told her not to talk to me! At the time, I felt proud for sticking up for myself but it didn't take long to regret that decision. When I ran into...Read More...
I am relieved to know I am not the only one this happens to. I will bring it up at our next session but I realize this is a pattern of mine. I let other people run over me with their agenda's. I minimize the importance of what I have to say. I had wanted to talk about a breakthrough I had with a younger part and when T ignored her I got angry. If what she has to say isn't important then how she feels is even less important! I was mad at T but I was also mad at the the little girl for feeling...Read More...
((kash)) don't be silly your support is a meaningful and wonderful offer in itself. ((AG)) Brief update on me. For anyone who read over in the coffee chat thread, I had a major meltdown on Friday because my mother in law cancelled her babysitting commitment for Monday morning with me which means I'm missing an important class. I can live with missing the class but I lost the plot over feeling soooooooooo let down and unimportant and that my needs were not being considered at all. I was so...Read More...

How do you manage

((poppet)) ((scars)) ((Liese)) Thanks for your kindness and understanding Poppet - I think you're spot on there that it's foolish to rely on one source of childcare. I need to make an effort to have different babysitting options available. I am waiting for my son to drop his morning nap and move to having one big sleep during the afternoon so I can leave him elsewhere in the morning if need be. Thanks Liese, I'm sorry your mom hasn't been an involved grandma. She has missed out on a...Read More...

21 Tips

Hi! I'm Rosalind Robertson. I wrote the 21 Tips to keep your Shit together when you're depressed... I see it's gone viral, which is amazing. Since this is a psych community, if anyone wants the downloadable links, just fire me off an email - - they're under a common copyright protection so they can be shared. So funny it was found on an erotica site, but my blog is hosted by tumblr.... - anyhow. Let me know if you've got any questions.Read More...


RT, i can relate to all of that stuff you wrote about. right now i'm wondering if this is stuff you've shared with your T? how did she react? i think alot of my problem is that i don't know how to articulate my feelings and experiences. i have a really hard time with that. that and showing up with the expectation that your everyday life is supposed to just suspend while you go away for an hour and spill your guts to somebody and then you have to go back out into the wild and function. that's...Read More...

Any insight on why this happens?

Great advice Liese. Yes it reminded me of me.... It also reminded me of the contact changing over time. Me too - used to go weekly and then as the relationship developed as the healthy dependency increased - I needed more and more. each time it was a negotiation process / rupture but we worked it out together. I think you have to fully commit for six months and there is no talk or thinking of termination within that time and really make a go of the relationship. SDRead More...


Hi Pops, Yep I know about being a mug too; but do you know what? I look around at some others in my life and see how they are two faced about their friends, or how they treat or speak to others and I think I would a zillion times be like me and have a muggish tendancies, than to be hard as nails or two faced. And I know there is a balance between being amenable and being taken for a ride, but better too start soft and try and become more assertive than be hard as nails and have to learn the...Read More...

Considering group therapy...

I'm currently in a group and was also in one about 3 years ago. Both were time limited (10 sessions). The first group I didn't find helpful but I think that was partly because the leaders didn't choose the most compatible group. The one I'm in now is for sexual abuse and assault's tighter knit and smaller in general. With the topic of the group, I'm having a hard time with how quickly we're having to move through stuff. But I like everyone and even though it's triggering, it's...Read More...

What do you do to get through?

hi TAS, i used to struggle more with that as well, but i think what helped lately was that i have hope that i might be able to see my T twice a week sometime in the future. there are things preventing it at the moment and i dont know if it will really happen or when, but having hope helped. she also has been ok with me emailing her so i suppose knowing that helps a bit, although i hate doing it (hate myself when i do it as i feel weak, but it does make another part of me happy/ in less...Read More...