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Is anyone doing or has anyone done trauma work?

I will write more later... Between work meetings right now. But yea sometimes if you are destabilized the priority is management and then maybe going back when it's less intense. As for talking with your T about Sunday... My T is client focused and will not give me answers very often (this was hard for a while because in my trauma I've been told what to do all the time). I will usually explain what you explained then I will ask 'why do you think... Blah blah' then we will explore that...Read More...
Hei Nannabee, just an update. I had my session with T yesterday. I had a really bad week, first angry with T for cancelling and then pacicking that I could not manage the next 6 months with all the unavoidable uncertainty. On Monday however I felt better, looking forward to seeing T and anger gone.I decided I would just get on with my therapy and forget about it. I mean it is so unreasonable to be angry with someone for being sick. But when I got there I found myself just reluctant to say...Read More...
That's really great HIC! I've been following along your journey so it's nice to hear you had a good, reconnecting session. And you may have given me a push (both in your advice to my post and your words to your own T) to ask my T for more reassurance. You're right, maybe they hold back a little to not come off as condescending. But I think I really need it too! So thanks! Keep us posted!Read More...

to broke to see T?

Hello, I am studying to be a therapist and one of the things we learn in school is that therapists are encouraged to take pro-bono clients meaning helping those out who could not afford to come. The therapist will weigh each situation out and determine if they are able to provide pro-bono services. It is something they do on an occasional basis and not just for one individual...Hope this makes senseRead More...

Why can't I accept anything as good?UPDATE T charges me for consult argh!!

I'm not 100% positive, but I really didn't think Ts could charge the client for consultation. That's part of their job, to make sure they are doing no harm to their clients and they are taking necessary steps to provide the best care. It's their ethical obligation, really. My T recently told me she has started going to a consultant every month that has expertise in trauma. She also just got trained in IFS, so I think she is working to be more knowledgeable in the treatment of trauma. Maybe...Read More...


Thanks Liese And yes I would prefer to hear difficult news first hand than through the grapevine. I think the other reasons this has been so hard is that there is a little girl inside who wants the fairy tale happy ever after family. And unfortunately it's also triggered inner shame ( which is exactly how narcs operate) even though I've done nothing wrong.Read More...
Diva: Thanks for sharing your story and your support! It really ebbs and flows. I definitely have moments where I feel so alone and need my T a great deal and others where I feel very strong and know I will survive until my next session. (I like the latter better! I am glad that you felt more empowered and stronger after your break! BLT: Thanks so much for the recommendation and I will check them out!Read More...

Update on 'Why, oh why, do I continue to do this?'

(((TAS))) One of the hallmarks of a secure attachment is reaching out for help appropriately when needed. It doesn't sound like you are learning that. I really like what Erica wrote up above. Why not tell him that some of us have felt that out of session contact to our T's helped us to feel more secure and independent? What about setting up something structured so that you don't have to wait for his return call? Three or four days after your session, have a check-in call scheduled? Or even...Read More...

Can Positive Transference feed Negative Transference?

cat, what happened w. old T when you felt enmeshed and trapped? did you terminate? how did you navigate that? thanks. rock tas- i think stopping reaching out needs to be determined based on what is best for you. i can certainly relate to everything you said in terms of your feelings about the situation and a feeling that it doesnt feel good to wait for a response and wonder.Read More...
I just want to encourage you all to continue to be honest with EVERYTHING that is going on inside of you. The only way your T can help is if you are willing to be fully vulnerable and exposed. My T and I decided I was ready to begin transition and I went into panic mode. I had to share with him how I was totally connected to him (transference) and I really wanted to make sure we could disconnect before I left. That was in November. We are still working through the transition process and I'm...Read More...
Thank you for responding, Bee! New T knew about old T from the first session. I just never said that I missed her. They are just different types of therapists, which is cool. I've learned so much already from both of them! Since I'm going into this field, I thought it would be great to see different techniques and relationships. About contact with former T... I usually run into her once a month or so when I take one of my kids into see his/her therapist. Former T also told me what restaurant...Read More...

well, apparently I still haven't left yet

Yep, and "Mother Knows Best" is the classic theme song for that kind of relationship. So much so that I actually had a mild anxiety attack when I first watched it, lol. Now it strikes me as more amusing(not to mention it's a catchy song) the more so as the witch actually looks more than a bit like my mom. What part of the movie did you show your T?Read More...


I sent a text this morning to ask if it was ok to text during my trip, because of some hard stuff that came up, and said sorry if the last text was weird. He replied that it was not at all weird, he really appreciated it and it was endearing (his code word for cute, because I hate when he uses that word about me. I know he feels that way too, because it's been talked about, but I've never said it to him, because I can't even call him by any name directly (only when I address an email to...Read More...
Hi Jen, I agree with searching in that you need a safe forum to express your homocidal rage and being able to talk about such intense feelings will mean you are much less likely to act on them. Usually underneath rage is a truckload of hurt, which might help you in your thinking and understanding about what's going on for you xxRead More...

therapy making you worse

Hi DR, Dual relationship was b/c my T was a family friend (somewhat removed) but none the less, a family friend. She knew my parents and occasionaly (very rarely) our lives would cross over outside of therapy. No, I am not currently having the same problem with new T. I have only been with her for about a month and a half now. I feel better when I leave therapy with her. I feel lighter. Hopefully, that won't change. It's difficult to explain how and why it made me worse with old T. I am...Read More...
(((KMAY)))) Thanks for writing that all out in one place. I remember that long session you had with her and how bad you felt afterward. The whole experience sounded really scary. You have never felt like that in all the time you had seen her? It almost sounds like you were flooded and she was the trigger. If that's the case, it would make sense that the contact with her would not be comforting and, in fact, cause you to feel bad. It made me think about an experience I had a couple of weeks...Read More...