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Psychotherapy Classics

Treatment Plan?

No; I don't have a treatment plan as such either. T and I work on the most urgent things week by week; although every few months we'll have a session where we will review progress and agree verbally the things to address in future sessions. Is a written treatment plan a requirement of the health insurance companies in some countries?Read More...

Noise maker

R2G, Good responsible T's we both have. I see mine in two hours...yeah! Sometimes seeing a different one if even only for testing in my case makes us appreciate ours more. She always deserved it but I didn't always know that. HopefulRead More...

Time to grow up

((((TAS)))) - When I broke up with T....I was in a terrible state revolving back and forth from a childlike state to my rational adult state. Every time I felt the awful overwhelming urge to pick up the phone and beg T to forget the break-up and let things go back to normal, I walked into the bathroom instead. I stood in front of the mirror and said over an over again "She cannot fix the child, she cannot re-parent you. She cannot fix the child, only you can do that. Not her. She cannot save...Read More...

also, do different T's make things easier?

hi liese, thanks for your reply. my mom was quite controlling. i was not much of a mamas boy. i was more wild and rebellious. but i was also close to my mom. someone told me that for a wild kid i was the biggest mamas boy they ever met. i think her being compliant and passive and my being angry over it relates to something having to do with "if you obey me you must be beneath me" or "if you let me push you around you must have no back bone" or something like that. this T is not a bad person.Read More...
Hello again guest, I hope you will continue to write here on the forum if it helps at all. It's not the same as interacting with people in real life, I know, but maybe sometimes just putting your thoughts out there can make a small difference? At any rate, I enjoy reading your posts and find them insightful and interesting. Sorry to hear your therapy ended. If you start again, will you have to look for a new T or is your previous one still around?Read More...

Finding a place where I belong...

Tas what an extraordinary and moving story. I think TN is right - going back to the place where you endured hell on earth is an attempt to organise and make sense of trauma. There was a point when I was 23 or 24 and I was watching a movie and there was a line about how you reach a point in life where the home you grew up in isn't your home anymore. That really resonated with me. A few years later and shortly after I'd started woking on my own healing, my dad died suddenly at home in my...Read More...
TN. (((hugs))) Thanks, I actually feel pretty great about myself right now, or more about the circumstances, because I took control (not like seized it away from someone, but instead of drowning in the chaos and H's triggered "freeze" state on the planning), I just stepped in and made decisions that affect more than me without feeling like whatever I did would be "wrong" or "bad" if I didn't get total approval from everyone involved first. It's actually a really huge thing for me. I've...Read More...

Why, oh why, do I continue to do this?

Hey TAS... I think you realized just how important "your" therapist is to you. He IS your therapist you know. Even if you refuse to admit it. If you didn't care about him and care about the relationship you would not bother to apologize and ask for his forgiveness. And you wouldn't feel so relieved that he said he would forgive you and that he would continue to see you. Sometimes we have to almost scare ourselves into realizing the depth of our feelings for our Ts. I clearly remember one...Read More...
Hopeful, Green Eyes, Cat, AG, Thanks Friends I know realisiticly T is not upset with me for missing session. She could tell how sick I was in my voice. I am in one of those places where I feel like anyone who I view in a positive light will be toxified by me and therefore should not be in my presence in order to not get contaminated by me - That AG, is Exactly how I feel....or have felt in the past. If I have to ask for it, then its completely meaningless. So I don't ask. My mind tells me if...Read More...
Smiley: Thanks so much for taking the time to respond! I already do feel less alone. BLT: Here is a hug back! And thank you! AG: Thanks so much for your reply. Your words of wisdom (as always) of "having been there and done that" are so helpful and do make me feel better. I do realize that I have to forge new relationships but it sounds so overwhelming to "start from scratch". Hearing your comment about it made me feel like it is still possible. I suppose it is hard to be optimistic about...Read More...

Leaving Therapy

(((trixie))) i wonder if it feels like you lost something deeply personal because you did you can talk with us here if you need to. there is sooo much good support here. in the meantime, be gentle with yourself. gentle hugs, (((trixie)))Read More...


Hi Catalyst, Sounds like you did some very important work with your T. I found when I started expressing anger and rage at my T (when he had and hadn't done anything wrong in my opinion), I was terrified that it would either destroy him, make him hate me or destroy the relationship. So many of us grow up with anger being an incredibly dangerous and destructive emotion because parents don't always handle it well. It sounds like your T managed the situation really well and that your...Read More...

I just need to know..

Hey all, Sorry it's taken me a few days to get back to this. I think I needed to just disconnect for a couple days...I don't know. Thank you, as always, for being so wonderful and supportive. Thanks, GreenEyes.. I know it's not fair of me to keep questioning myself about T's original comment. She did apologize profusely and took complete responsibility for what she said. She said that there's such a fine line between trying to encourage someone to control their thoughts and acknowledging...Read More...