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Psychotherapy Classics

well, THAT was unexpected...

Oh, did a quick search on attachment styles and psychosis and it appears that it's not what I was thinking. It sounds like they are thinking that there is a relationship between psychosis and an insecure attachment style, particularly a dismissive style. I don't know why that style in particular. ???Read More...
I understand what you're feeling because I also sent a letter to my exP about 6 months after termination. It was a card I picked up while on a vacation and I only wrote a very brief, happy message, letting him know I was doing well. When I sent it, I felt like I just wanted to share this information with him, but as time passed and I got no response, it really began to bother me. I would ask myself over and over, just how much effort would a response require, especially when he had promised...Read More...


((((Poppet)))) and ((((others)))) I loathe it also and usually stay home alone, walk boydog, cook us a roast and, sorry people, drink too much to dull feelings!!! It saddens me that so many of you feel the same. xxRead More...

"non-judgemental" therapy

bluesky, my T and I had this discussion recently. I was telling her something I thought most people would think badly of and I thought she would also. She told me that T's are trained to have a filter and that she is generally looking for things beyond the obvious. She knows more about me than anybody in my life and she keeps letting me come back, lol. I think once you form an attachment with a T, this issue sort of dissolves. Don't let this dissuade you from entering therapy, if you feel it...Read More...


Hi Frye! I think there are other topics on this subject, if you use the search feature. From what I understand, prolonged exposure is effective if you can finish the course of treatment, however it is often not well tolerated. In other words, many people being treated with prolonged exposure end treatment before it's complete because the process is too uncomfortable. Some of the newer trauma therapies (EMDR, somatic experiencing, etc.) seem to be better tolerated and equally effective. In...Read More...


I've been thinking about this alot lately. I never wanted to depend on anyone. It was always the biggest thing between me and my t. I have come through alot and I am just starting to realize that I do depend on her alot. I expect her to answer me right away - even though she doesn't. I expect her to be there no matter what. I know that she is but I don't always use what is available to me. Like in most of my really bad times, as you folks have seen me here write, she sometimes doesn't get...Read More...

How do you "work through" feelings?

Thanks for asking this Incognito. "Working through feelings" is a phrase that can be in some cases at least a psych cliche. I guess we keep working on these feelings but haven't gotten through them. I certainly have some emotions and memories that I have carried around with me for many years. I don't know if they will.ever stop.haunting me or transform into something constructive. On the other hand, I have had some success in processing difficult feelings with emdr. Intense emotions that had...Read More...
(((PUPPET))) The woman T I saw before my current T did this and I didn't find it helpful AT ALL. It felt very invalidating. My current T doesn't do it AT ALL. We talk about what's bothering me - whether it has to do with him or not - and we take it at face value. I needed to have my feelings validated first I think. I have read that it's not a good idea to make the connections back to the past for some people and it sounds to me like it's not working for you. Is that something you can talk...Read More...
(((HELD)))) It IS difficult to wrap my head around it too. I don't want the label to define me. I didn't struggle with the trauma label but I have struggled with other labels. I can relate to how it might feel foreign and as if it solely and completely defines who we are. You shouldn't question that you are struggling with the label. You are and that's okay. You have to work it through until you understand what it means for you and feel at peace with it.Read More...

when you feel your T has let you down

Sure. Today is a little tough, we had a bad first winter storm so my last session of the week was canceled. The last before Christmas . I mean I understand you know? Safety and all, and all schools were closed. So that means snow day for his kids. Yes boundaries no matter how safe feels like rejection! Ok next Thursday needs to come super fast! Keep writing. I think I may hug my worry stone today.Read More...

T makes me sad?

I remember going through a stage of this in therapy. I told T I realized I had been trying to get my attachment needs met in all the wrong places for a very long time because I didn't have a choice, but I had a choice now about it, finally. That was a very liberating thing for me to realize! At this point I seem to be able to accept love from T *and* look for it elsewhere at the same time, so I guess it's the best of all possible scenarios.Read More...
My abrupt and unexpected term from T 1.5 years ago causes me problems in my therapy life constantly. This quote above really reminded me of it. It has stunted my progress, attachment, relationship, trust - everything with my new T - everything I do is based on fear that I am going to do the wrong thing, say the wrong thing and that my T will terminate me too. Fear is the basis of everything. And just when I have been on a good path with it, something will come up that will trigger a relapse...Read More...