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Psychotherapy Classics

originally posted by ((( HIC ))): HIC, i think that's all very insightful! if you don't mind, i'm going to print that out because it really resonates with me. i'm going to dissect that and try to integrate that into my life. i think that's been a struggle in therapy from day one for me ... i've always felt as though going to therapy felt like i was literaly stripping down to nakedness, and that's held me back in therapy, i think. just the whole surrendering of yourself to another person, and...Read More...
Aw thanks Kmay for saying such nice things about me . Good to hear you’re keeping the fighting spirit up despite how crap you must be feeling. And the way you describe interviewing and recruiting in your work, yeah that sounds like a good model to follow, it is similar isn’t it, we are after all looking for a T with the right training the right experience the right attitude and most importantly of all, the right fit. Best of luck in the search LLRead More...
Friends! I have been sooooo sick. Boo! Just now catching up on this whole thread CTL - Thank you and no worries. I just wasn't sure so I started a new one just in case Liese - No paranoid thoughts at all It's actually something that has been on my mind since it happened. And although I know it's not exactly the same type of thing that you were talking about, I felt like it sort of related. I know for sure without a doubt that my T cared about me. I think though, in just that one instance,...Read More...


Also wanted to say I like how you phrased that and agree that it is probably an essential place to get to before The End. If we haven't learned to differentiate, departure could be felt as terrifying but we know from countless examples that it doesn't have to be that way. Good thoughts, if a bit sobering. I hadn't really considered that aspect of separation/detachment before.Read More...

First Post-- When Therapy turns Negative

Hi Jside, I missed this somehow. Are you in the U.S.? I go to a group where everything now is stored on the laptop and I know for a fact that my ENT, for example, can see my notes made by the family doctor. Last time I saw my ENT, he said, after looking at my notes, "I'd be crazy too if I had all those kids." I don't know if there is a way to prevent that from happeneing because they are all in the same group but you might want to consider talking to a lawyer about your HMO releasing ...Read More...
Yes, this thread does not seem to be turning around as I had hoped it would. The thread is locked for the following reasons: 1: Posts within the thread no longer support the mission of psych cafe. 2: Posts within the thread are not in the spirit of support and healing. CTLRead More...
Hi Iris, Sounds to me like you don't believe meds are right for you. That's based on your experience with them and how you feel these days. You know yourself best. Medication is a different experience for different people. I have been on prozac and zoloft in the past and my experience was it disconnected me from my feelings and from other people. Id think it was funny that my 5 yo hurt his finger or my ex screamed at me or pushed me. Even though my body was nervous (drug induced) I couldn't...Read More...

my t is abandoning me, how do u deal with that? has it happened to anyone else?

Hi suzieq, you are far from alone in this. I am amazed at how many people on this site have been abandoned and lied to by their therapists, myself included. Would it help to talk some more with T about this and mention your thoughts and feelings? I am pretty stubborn (BlLT) and have gone back to my now Edt each time she terminated me, albeit after months or years. Yes there were 3-4 times. I finally am confident its all about her and not my fault. Kind of took awhile since she always said I...Read More...

How often do you see your T

I see T for 'weekly' sessions, however due to public holidays, T's vacation, their office closure during the winter holidays and T's seminars about 23% of those 'weekly' sessions are not taking place. For me, those interruptions are not beneficial and slow me down / cause me to take steps back. I would benefit from being able to catch up missing sessions but that is not possible due to T's schedule & policies.Read More...

The most awful thing

Hi Someone, Sorry to hear you are still unsure what is happening.Sounds like your T is feeling a bit guilty about her change of mind and concerned about how she has affected you. I hope my situation will not end up the same, but I don't think so. LL. Yes it was a bit of a shock. She is very early in the pregnancy and actually was not yet pregnant when I asked. In fact she has not told anyone else yet, even her work collegues and boss. She just said she had to tell me, as she knew it would...Read More...
LL, Thank you. I keep going back and forth about weather or not I want to find a new T. I guess time will tell. Maybe I just need to grieve a little longer and then I can think more clearly about it. Puppet, Thank you. That is a good idea in fact about pacing myself. Maybe I will give that a try. Maybe I can find one in my insurance and then just at least set the appointment. I can always cancel it I need to. Just take it slowly I guess. BLT, You are so right. I feel exactly as you said -...Read More...

meeting with t, so she can terminate the relationship. do u go to talk about it?

Hello again Suzyq. Good for you for sticking up for yourself and NOT taking care of HER feelings by saying everything is fine with her abandoning you (which it sounds is exactly what she’s doing). Things are not fine and you have every right to feel how bad it all is making you feel . Maybe the best way of working out what it is you need to say to her if you do see her again (and I’m with Cat here, I think you probably should go to see her) is sitting down and thinking about all the things...Read More...
Hello Smiley, like Beebs, I’m interested to know how it went, did you email her again and did she explain to your satisfaction what had happened? I would hope that there was some clear and simple reason for her not sending you the time of your appointment. Hope all is well with you, good to see you around here again ((((((((( Smiley ))))))))) LLRead More...