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Psychotherapy Classics

Athenacus thanks for telling us how your sessions with new T went. Must have been a bit of a let down being told she would do a technique with you to help with panic and anxiety, only to find it’s the old tried and trusted breathing technique. Sounds like you were feeling quite disappointed with her in the second session? As you say it’s very early days isn’t it, so there’s no rush to jump into anything heavy or deep at this point, not until you get a sense of how she’s going to be. Also I...Read More...

I am so lost...

I know the feeling of expecting someone to know what's in your head. I used to expect it a lot from those I am/was closest to. I think it's cause I always am so good at anticipating others needs, and I pick up on emotions so quickly and easily that I kinda get the "sense" of the situation and can better attune myself to meeting their needs. It's an automatic thing I do, and because of it, I want people to do the same for me. I want people close to me to be able to read my mind, anticipate my...Read More...


HAHAHAH!! HIC, that is hilarious! i didn't know turkeys could swim, either! LOL i'm okay right now with going to my brother's for Thanksgiving. past years have been reeeeaaaallly difficult. putting on a face and trying to fit in. we've had a few get-togethers within the last couple months and i've been pretty good, actually had a half-way decent time for a change. so, my mindset is good at the moment as far as Tgiving goes. my brother will do the turkey, and everybody else brings a dish to...Read More...

why does it have to hurt so much?

(((((COGS)))) It's taken me a long time to be able to be more assertive with my own therapist so I completely understand why they would be hard to do. My therapist is also much less directive than yours sounds and doesn't insist that I talk about anything. That being said, I am wondering why you can't do either of those things with your therapist? Maybe it's not all transference and your therapist is taking too much control of the sessions? It's hard to get a feel for what is going on but...Read More...

Calls between sessions

(((turtle))) i'm so sorry for your losses, it must be so overwhelming for you right now and i am sorry you feel so alone now when you would need the support and kindness of others. i am also so sorry (and angry) at your T for her 'icy' response! maybe they should just not offer calls if they can't handle it! (sorry, thats a bit of my own stuff here as well...) you don't have to be so alone with all this, please know you can always come here! puppetRead More...

What Should Your Therapist Remember About Your Story?

My T remembers a lot, if not everything, which disturbs me really as I sometimes say stuff and think that I wish I hadn't and really want my T to forget it. I first went to this T over a decade ago and so my past file had been destroyed. This made me pleased as i didn't want T to refer back to then. Pretty sure she has forgotten it all. she did say once that she remembered 1 thing from then - ever since then I have been trying to work out what that 1 thing was. I am not going to ask her....Read More...

Should you see a therapist you are sexually attracted to?

From the outset of my therapy I had/have strong feelings of sexual attraction / ET towards my T. It was something that I decided to bring up in sessions very early on purely to be honest with her about it. I suppose I was fortunate in that my T and I got on so well from day one that it wasn't that difficult to bring the subject up. Somedays; you are right in that therapy is hard enough without added layers of problems, but sometimes the ET and the attachment IS the problem and it needs to be...Read More...


Hope Granite comes back as the last 2 things she wrote about have happened to me since her post... a) my T says she knows hardly anything about me b) T has asked me to show her some drawings I need to know how Granite has gone ...... as I need to know what to do next..... Granite, come baaaaaacccccckkkkkk.Read More...
Hi skylynx, Thanks for your reply and sharing. A lot of what you say hits home for me. I have been feeling down and hurt, as well as angry about it and have been trying to care for that partof me with my mothering self. After all I can do that for my children even when I might not feel up to it. Haven't got the knack of it when it comes to self care though. I'm so glad to hear you are well. Thanks for the encouragement. KDRead More...

Running a Con on Us!

Thank You Blu! I really appreciate it. Yes, a bit of a rough patch with Therapy/Therapist right now. Sometimes I find myself shaking my head and saying, 'How the hell did I even survive?' If it wasn't for my records, I don't know if any Therapist would have believed all that the first 18 years of life presented to me. I know that some things are so deeply ingrained in me just for survival that are proving to cause more harm than good. I am trying, I really am. Thank you once again for your...Read More...
Diva, Your post really resonates with me...very inspiring and honest. That you started to feel dependent on her again and you are able to be more on your own again as difficult as that is. I have felt this many times and it seems each time I personally "sort of" repeat the pattern it seems to get a little easier. This is what is supposed to happen...atleast it seems that way to me for those who are able to allow attachment...of course providing their T's are not abusive. I hope for you and...Read More...

Problems around closeness

(((Scars))) well done for allowing yourself to feel the fear. Having confronted it once and survived, do you think it will be a little easier next time that emotion comes up? Resistance. That's interesting because that's a word that my T has used toward me many times, e.g. "I sense that there is a lot of resistance to that idea" etc. Although I think I was wanting to hide from taking certain actions rather than allowing myself to feel certain emotions.Read More...
What's in a name. That's great news that the transference feelings aren't hurting so much now, and well done for getting through your last session. It will get easier and easier for you, although I think we'll both have to secretly love our T's for the rest of our lives I know that I'll love my T simply because of the help and the hope she's given me.Read More...
I told T that I can't do this anymore. She said Do what? I said Therapy. Remember stuff. Write it down. Sit with it. Try to feel normal. Try to change the way I think. It seems I was better off before I started talking about it all. And I am just confused. She said Ok. You don't have to.....that was it. That was all she said. Ouch! Sounds like she is happy to get rid of me. I don't really know what I expected her to say, but I didn't expect that. Funny, I feel a weird sense of relief even...Read More...