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Psychotherapy Classics


Ang - I can relate to that. Especially the ones that I didn't tell a single soul until I told T. And for me, its b/c I can't remember the entire trauma. Only pieces. So it makes me feel like it's not real, or like I made it up b/c I can't understand why only small peices of it pop in my head at a time. T says b/c it was stuffed so deep inside of me for so long, that it can feel like it's not real when it finally comes out. Or b/c I dissociated when it happened so I can't remember all of it.Read More...
I'm comfortable with T, but not with some of or topics, so for me it just depends on what we're discussing. I'm more comfortable discussing things where I don't fear judgement. As compassionate as he normally is, I once started telling him the story I just posted in Intimate issues, and I immediately felt judged by something he said. I'm sure he didn't mean it as it came out, but I think he let his T-persona down for a minute and I wish he hadn't. So in general, it depends on the session,...Read More...

Saw Therapist outside of office...

Nigeldaniel... So glad you got together with your old T. Isn't it funny how things happen to kind of tell us what we need to do? Frog...I just felt like dying when I saw him...I was thinking, "This CAN NOT be happening!" If I had thought he hadn't knew I had seen him...I would have got out of there as fast as I could. Seeing that he was sitting by the entrance and only one way out...I would have had to walk right by him...ugh. j Thanks for your replies, each of you. I appreciate it! T.Read More...

dissertion on trauma

I found this really helpful Liese and it sent me off onto a few hours research and watching Youtubes of Object Relation Theory - I think I found out a few answers about myself and so I emailed the links off to T. SomedaysRead More...

T and Envy

Thank you so much to everyone for your responses. (((Somedays))) - Thank you. For making me feel less alone (((Closed Doors))) - Oh explained exactly what I have been feeling. I couldn't have said it better. It's awful! My T said last session that she doesn't ever want me to feel like she let me down. And that she is there for as long as I need her, but that one day I won't need her as much but that is up to me...I let her know when that time comes. I was thinking in my head...Read More...

Are they or are they not?

Ha ha - my avatar has three bits of fruit - three times the trouble. My T would probably agree....... TAS - I think the bottom line is - to do the type of work you need to do in therapy - you HAVE to attach. I don't know how to get to the other side without attaching. IF all your energy is going against it and resisting - then in the end it will take much longer and be more painful. I think. Somedays - 3 fruits.Read More...
Hi their Frog, how has the weekend been insofar. Cant think off much to say here as my own experience with therapy may not tally with others. The only thing I can say is look at Dr's/Shrinks/Counsellor in the same way as we might look and talk to ordinary people. In other words they are no different than the rest off us. A university education and a title on the door does not mean they have super powers to deal with everthing. In short give them time to help you out with any new revelation...Read More...

How long in Therapy and what brought you there?

I've been going for 17 months, except for two while my T was hospitalized.... Started going bc of self-destructive behaviors mainly evident in binge-eating, but some other things as well. Also have what T described as PTSD that is manifest in arachniphobia. (being "surprised" by a spider, esp a dark one, triggers anxiety and brings back certain memories.) Have learned and am still learning about those things and so much more... Hugs to all, StarryRead More...


Thanks for the reply TN. My T has never said he didn't like my projecting. My T is not chatty but he does self-disclose and I know a reasonable amount about his life. He is careful to not talk about how he feels about me unless I ask explicitly about something. If I say something like I know this is not necessarily true but I feel like you are frustrated with me or tired of me he often just sits there. When I've asked him later why he didn't respond to that statement he has said he didn't...Read More...

Apologies on my disappeared posts

(((BLT))) No apologies needed. I have, myself, occasionally bit off more than I could chew in terms of revealing stuff about myself to others and I am grateful that this forum gives me the opportunity to retract when I am feeling unsafe, though I regret when it interferes with the flow of threads.Read More...
Hello TN, I'm so sorry you've had to deal with yet another crappy day at work. But good for your T for being there for you, at least that is some comfort in all the distress you are experiencing. I'm pitching in again because I see I've left a quote hanging in my previous post, and I know I wanted to talk about that too but obviously quoted and then forgot Comes of talking too much, evidently! This I can relate to very much. So much anger, rage even, at people in positions of power and...Read More...

Relying Too Much On A Therapist?

Hi True North Thank you for your kind words... The Therapist said that he felt that my texting him was not helping me with impulsivity/or with self soothing. I understand to a degree but I was really struggling with attachment and it seems when I walk out the door...he does not exist. Now, I know that I can't fault him for attachment issues are not his doing. I did ask him after the session if I could still touch base with him Tues and Thur...he did say yes...but I have tried to...Read More...

Waiting for Elmo

goes to show, you can't wait forever for elmo to show ... life's too short. on the other hand, indulging in chocolate-embelished cookies the way cookie monster does isn't exactly the answer, either. what's the f*cking answer???Read More...

NYT article on parenting

I thought it was a good article too, but unlike Liese reserve the right to compliment my daughter on her intelligence. Articles on overparenting confuse me sometimes. It seems the balance between appropriate protection/precaution and just overdoing it is socially and situationally constructed. I mean, life is always going to have risks, and there are going to be some risks that we choose to protect our kids from-- how do we really know when we are going overboard and doing them a disservice?Read More...
I am assuming this 'stupid thing' is a form of coping mechanism. (If not, just ignore this post, then it is completely off topic). I am not always coping in the most healthy way. I haven't been able to tell the details as she is very vague when it comes to having people admitted to the hospital and I don't feel save sharing it with her. However, she knows that I have some coping mechanisms that are not considered 'good'. When we discussed the matter, she told me that she would be a bad T if...Read More...