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Psychotherapy Classics

As the Moderator of this forum, I am taking the step to close this thread. There are a number of reasons why I am taking this step. First, because I feel that the original question posed by Lamplighter was answered. Lampers... if you have any other related questions, please PM me and I will be happy to answer them. Next, I can see that where the topic is going is potentially not healthy and safe for ANY member here and could trigger in all kinds of ways and/or cause hurt feelings. Lastly, it...Read More...
Update from today's session. We are down to only one more session. Why am I having a hard time letting go? I was bound and determined today to be ok with ending. During the session I was brave and relaxed. I felt fine, but a little confused too. T talked about us ending as her door is always open and I can come back at any point in the future. In my mind I was thinking that we are ending and I was going to get a referral or start seeing someone new closer to my school (for free). T seemed to...Read More...

What Did You Do to Bring Your 'Self' Back?

TAS... I really like your T. He is doing it so right and you are also doing what you are supposed to do (even if it is unpleasant now). My T teases me that we are nicely attached... despite all my kicking and screaming. He's right, darn him! You need someone in your life to be steady and consistent. And of course this will make you feel very uncomfortable. He is not behaving the way you expect him to behave, the way the abusive people in your life have behaved towards you. He is there for...Read More...
(((Draggers))) - Yes! You hit the nail on the head. About it being the "norm" for us. I can still remember so clearly when I first started to realize that what went on in my home didn't go on in all my friends homes. It didn't really dawn on me then that it wasn't normal, I just became more aware of how different I was. I became embarrased, humiliated, and also nervous to ever have someone over to my house. But I still thought it was "normal", you know, for me. Its so weird about the bits...Read More...
I had a good session with T1 on Wednesday even though I felt horrible... it was just how things were able to feel settled in session. At one point I said... 'Why do I feel so nervous and freaked out right now' and she said 'Probably because you're looking at me...' I've been so good at that lately so every time I do that I feel good. I was able to read her a prose thing I wrote and................ let her photocopy it (it was hand written and I ... I dunno) a definite new level of...Read More...


(((BG))) All my kids are gone by 8 a.m. and home by 3. It sounded like such a gift after summer vacation but it really does fly, doesn't it? Why can't we just block out the dust? Hope tomorrow has less interference for you. I'm going to put on the kettle now. Would you like to join me for a cup of tea?Read More...

So what!!!

I meet with "my man" on Friday and I will have to face the embarrassment of the text I sent, deep breath and all the rest, I go red at the drop of a hat!!! My mother, after giving the "speech" decided to get slightly better and is now talking about going home. That is so much pressure for me. She cannot cope on her own and I am not mentally fit to deal with it I think. A friend says I should tell the hospice what is going on in my life so that they can then adapt the care package. Ah what to...Read More...
Hello Starfishy, you might just see me over in Countdown soon at that too I expect clinical psychs are more busy than 'normal' therapists, but I'm seeing this one privately, so she ought to be just as available. It's something that came up next week for her that meant she couldn't see me during that week, but when you've only got a once weekly appointment, missing one appointment means a two week wait. Which suddenly seems like a very long time... Hope things are going well for you (((((...Read More...

Kiddo Sick :'(

Hello Anon, I don't have anything reassuring to add seeing as how I don't have children and haven't got any experience of what you are going through. Just wanted to pipe up to say I'm glad Boo is able to get back to school and relieve both you and her of the stress surrounding her being sick. Hope she gets better really quickly. LLRead More...

Good luck everyone : )

(((xoxo))) i'm sorry that you're leaving but you have given us a lot and i have seen you grow and become more free and lighter and more open and that is truly inspiring and i'm so happy for you!!! i hope that you pop in and say hello once in a while, but even if you can't, i will think of you once in a while anyway and smile good luck to you too xx hugs, puppetRead More...