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Psychotherapy Classics

((TN)) It was really lovely to read how sweet your T is with you - I know that's hard to accept - but he really does sound good to you and for you. A good match... I'm glad it's getting easier to tell your T when he's not doing stuff right or the way you need that IS a great thing to be able to do. I've been hot/cold on telling my Ts (and P) what they do that doesn't work. I have learned they are very humble and genuine and it's their "humanity" that I remember/hold on to when they mess up,...Read More...
i do sometimes think a T will mess with you, but hopefully in a way that will help you. i told my T a long time ago that i don't like the question "what would you like to talk about today?" and then guess what? that's how he would open sessions! i know it's my own junk and i should have said something every time he opened that way, but for some reason i just couldn't make myself do it. and now he has stopped with that question. i just wonder if i've missed out on a great opportunity to...Read More...

Stay in therapy or leave?

Hi Blanket Girl, I'm sorry to be so late in responding but the idea of long breaks you mentioned gave me a lot to think about. I had my appt. yesterday and maybe I'm getting better. You also mentioned the transference maybe being too intense. It may be a symptom of me going off meds on my own and becoming numb/flat again but it's like I don't care, or I'm getting better. Too much to go into but I'm waiting for those close to me to see if I start to become rude or anything. We never got to...Read More...

Was there ever a time...

yes there have been at least a couple of times - one in particular which was really hard. she did explain later and sort of apologised and although rationally i understood and i put it off as an 'off day' - i think there is still damage there that wasnt repaired... which i assume will come up sooner or later. but this just made me realise it has had a big impact and it definitely hasnt and will not just go away. thanks for reminding me! oh dear, athenacus - that's a bit of a worry! those are...Read More...
Hi BG ... not late at all. Thanks for your comments. You are right... sorting out the trust thing is really important or I cannot accomplish anything else. Today I told T ... I have so much to talk to you about and I'm not doing that. He said how can you talk to me about anything when you don't trust me? He's right. I'm glad you see him as being patient and loving. It's hard for me to see because my fear, anger and anxiety are blocking anything positive these days. thank you for mentioning...Read More...

Gift for T?

I'm so glad you talked to your T, someone and that she said yes and that you could give her your gifts I remember the first time I felt safe enough to get my scary T a gift it was a really good moment. I'm glad she gave you a transitional object sound like it was so good!! You're helping me not feel alone right now because I want to give my T something but... I gave her something so recently and really have no reason to give her this other thing so I feel like I can't. But your story is...Read More...
Athenacus, after years of seeing my T off and on I told her about something that happened to me when I was aroung 10 or 11. It happened three times with a neighbor man. I repeatedly told her that I didn't think it had any long term affects on me. I think she thought otherwise but didn't say so. Well last weekend, my SO and I had an incident that resulted in an arguement. He said exactly the wrong thing at the wrong time and I completely exploded on him. I'm not going to get into specifics,...Read More...
The session was difficult. I finally opened up about a core issue. I almost felt like Will in the "Good Will Hunting" scene-"It's not your fault". T used different words, but repeated them over and over while we held each other's gaze through my tears. Very powerful. She took some extra to get me back to talking about other things before I left. On the way home I started crying and haven't really stopped since (on and off). Bits and pieces are coming to me and I'm putting things together in...Read More...
Granite. You know what? i reckon you gave your T a lifetime supply of birthday and christmas presents by showing her your journal and talking up more. It was probably a moment in her career that she will cherish. Just keep writing to us, journaling and practising. It really does get easier. I can say this because i KNOW it from experience. Even now I write stuff to my T in emails and it is really hard stuff for me and I look back at it and think - wow I have come a long way in a year. The...Read More...


hi HIC, i guess its good she's looking after herself, but i am sorry if it will affect you as well. you sound very understanding though and very caring and considerate - and i'm sure she appreciates it too. i have been in a similar situation with my old T, and if she doesn't look after herself, it can affect your therapy. i really did see her grieving for a while even though she never talked about it, and it was harder for me to bring stuff up. my only regret looking back now is that i wasnt...Read More...
Hey Mrs S, thanks for posting. There are a few of us who have had some nasty experiences with T's who have abandoned us. Finding a new T who is experienced and isn't afraid of attachment makes all the difference. There are great T's out there who embrace this type of therapy - when you find the right one - it feels wonderful. I am really glad that youkept persisting to get the help you needed. Welcome. SomedaysRead More...


Thanks for sharing the link - that's one of my blogs so let me know if there's anything you're particularly interested in, and I'll dig out and put up some more links WGRead More...

T's Leave

Do you think there'd be any harm in giving my T a small present and thank you letter at our last visit? I guess I wonder if while she's gone and I'm feeling angry and unloved and abandoned and upset with her, if I'll regret giving her the letter and present. Maybe that's silly, but it might happen. What do you guys think?Read More...
It's ok taking your time in responding, sorry I didn't see this sooner. It sounds like you are feeling very hopeless, but the fact that you can feel our love and care means that you CAN feel it. And you can learn to have that with people who are physically in your life. You have been mistreated for a very long time, and one of the terrible effects of that is that you have come to believe a lie, that you are not loveable and anyone who actually interacts with you would be happy to not have to...Read More...
Thank you all so much for answering me. I read here all the time and have for years. I just am always so afraid to post so I just read in silence. It is because of all of you that I have dared to speak of my deepest fears, secrets, desires and questions in therapy. I owe so much to all of you! Your responses about love are so helpful to me. AG and Outsider, those words about love from those therapists made me cry. To think that's how my therapist might feel about me is so heartwarming. It...Read More...