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Psychotherapy Classics

Hi AG, I'm not an expert at weight loss by any stretch of the imagination. And not that you've asked for my weight loss tips but I'm going to be presumptuous here and tell you what has been working for me as far as changing my habits are concerned. - I decided not to do any kind of program because I wanted to be able to eat "normal" food and to be able to assimilate my new habits into a "normal" lifestyle. - I had to admit that I love food. I love to eat. I needed to make things that tasted...Read More...

Next Food Network Star

I loved Emily!!! I'm hoping we see her again one day. Don't want to ruin the show for anyone who hasn't caught up yet, but...SNIFF!! (you'll know what I mean!) StarryRead More...

A face in the crowd

Awww (((draggers))) we don't think you're dumb at all after all you is still recovering from your bug attack from last week!! (((closed doors))) Thanks! I've never been called awesome before!! Oooh it don't half feel nice!!!!Read More...
and i think what you have "disclosed" is very insightful and helpful, to me. i can see where it would be TMI to others. it helps me to be more empathetic to the T ... i KNOW it's about me, but really it's about us learning/re-learning about relationships, and relationships are always 2-sided. just my thoughts. thanks for sharing!Read More...
((( jd ))) on a heart level i don't think T was being condescending or non-accepting of me, either. it's just that's what i expect to hear, so that's what i hear. i hear what you say about the "easily overwhelmed" comment. you prepare yourself for their response, and they come back with something even just a little bit askew from what you're expecting, and the world comes crashing down. this is one of the things that drives me mad about therapy. i hear what you're saying. and about your...Read More...
(((b2w))) Thanks for your response. It is helpful to know how vigilant you feel toward not only your own kids, but others. I find I have the same thing and mostly toward men as well, but due to some weird family thing, I will probably have a problem with women when Boo is entering puberty too. I feel sad that I am just instinctively less trusting toward men (who I don't know well personally) at church who interact with her innocently than women. But, at the same time, I understand why it is...Read More...


I read this article yesterday and this thread came to mind. I love what she says here - and need to hear each thing myself, even though I'm well over ten! 10 Things I Want My Daughter to Know Before She Turns 10Read More...
(((Navyme))) Thanks for posting this. It was interesting to read and I think it's awesome that you've had all these insights. I could see a lot of my own experience in what you wrote, especially here: Wow, I do this all the time. Especially with poor T. I compulsively ask her if she's mad at me, to try and touch base with the reality when I get like this. I'm impressed that she's as patient with it as she is.Read More...


Hi Draggers! Oh, you are a brave one...and the responses you have gotten are so amazing, every one. I'm trying to get a bit back in, I thought I'd tell you my experience... So you know how it was with my old T....opf course, no touch, but...yes I wished for it. Now I see Cowboy T///and I shook his hand right away, on purpose, and I hugged him, whether he did like it or not, a couple of times, and then, I purposely asked for a hug a couple of times, and once, he even hugged me when I left...Read More...

Living in the Same Town

I haven't seen T out and about but when we knew each other years ago and were doing therapy and working together - we were always careful and we trusted each other not to say anything about therapy when in another role. I asked T to come and look at my new house (we haven't moved in and it has no furniture in it). I had talked about it in therapy and it will come up again as I don't want to leave my current house. My T said she would love to and she came earlier and spent an hour with me at...Read More...

question about becoming a theoropist

Hi Zwag, The people on this site are not counselors or therapists. There may be some who are, but the majority of the participants are IN therapy. Some have chosen to study further in that field and have some knowledge, some even have extensive knowledge related to psychology, but that is not what this site is about. This site is really about on-line support and being able to share our experiences related to therapy. Hope that helps. B2WRead More...
(((STRM))) Thanks for sharing your story. I wish H didn't pressure me to apply. I know I can't really work right now, but I don't feel I "deserve" help either. It feels like because I could just dissociate (was SU from another part today and did so in order to do dishes and laundry and stuff with Boo--I'm paying for it already, but whatever), I should just do that. It feels like because I could choose not to do this whole feeling, healing, connecting with myself thing and quit therapy and...Read More...

my brother had a fight with my best friends mother

(((Liese))) It never crossed my mind to think that you didn't. I realized what you were complaining about here was the lack of boundaries and respect your mother/brother are displaying to their neighbors. I just found it personally ironic that I was sympathizing with the villains of the piece because of my own neighborly gripes. Of course I don't think mom/brother's behavior is in any way okay, though, and I'd never say anything to my neighbors either. Mmm, think I'm being a bit redundant...Read More...

Skype Questions

Ok, so I set up my skype and tested it a few times and finally T and I got on. she had to set up an account. It was funny when it finally came online as we were both on the phone to each other talking about it when it came on we looked at each other and a laughed as we were talking on the phone and on camera. Felt a bit silly. Ok, so we did it. She was not looking at my face (good) and I was prob definitely not looking at her. It was a practice session so there wasn't much therapy stuff -...Read More...

This is so random XD

All the time!!! My T always asks me what is my stomach trying to say lol I used to say I'm just hungry but my stomach makes a lot of noise when I'm trying not to say something and when I eventually tell T my stomach stops growling lol LuciRead More...
Thanks (((HeartAndSoul!))) It wasn't an easy 4 months, especially since my NT is the only person in my world that gives me much-needed hugs, but I made it! I think T was just as relieved that NT is back as I was! You'll make it - just take it one day at a time! (oh, and I wrote a lot of never-sent letters to NT while she was away, it helped!) Thanks (((CD))) I am enjoying the warm fuzzies while they last, which is never long enough!Read More...
(((hemlock))) Thank you so much for your kind words and your advice. It may be I'm just not cut out for being seen, but despite the mini freakout, I'm still glad I tried a little bit. A little trying is what I have in me right now. Maybe after working with T, I will have a lot of trying in me.Read More...