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Very good book, a bit scary too!

Forum: Book Forum
Thanks AG. I will get the book. Oh yes, I agree about the politicans and CEOs; totally accurate. It's actually stunning to see one in progress. They observe intently and mimick "care" to know how to "do it", since they are not capable of authentic connections. They take mental notes contantly for their own information library to use at later dates. Last time I was in a room with my brother it was facinating to see him in action from a distance, since I have learned how to observe. Watching...Read More...

Healing Trauma

Forum: Book Forum
Just today, my T told me he recently read the book, Waking The Tiger. He told me about some of it and related it to my situation with trauma and anxiety. Thought I'd see if it's available through Nook. LJBRead More...

Books on DID

Forum: Book Forum
I'm dissociative - I don't have loads of books on it though. I did buy one, but I don't look at it much as it's a bit triggering and I can't do the things it wants me to do (They assume you are working in therapy with someone who knows about this stuff - which I'm not really). sbRead More...

Running on Empty

Forum: Book Forum
((((Scarzee)))) ((((Morgs)))) good to see you both around Scarzee; out of interest, how long did it take for you to understand that it was emotional neglect? I only ask as it seems to have taken me a long time to uncover the cause. Old T and I spent 18 months working on what now appear to be the symptoms without ever uncovering the real issueRead More...

Can You Recommend A Book?

Forum: Book Forum
Hi TAS - No worries. I also was thinking of posting the link below, and hesitated. It's to a recent Reuters 5-part expose on the abusive practice of informal adoption 'rehoming'. I hesitated because basically it's so full of triggers - as well as being not exactly what you were looking for - but I'll leave it to you to decide whether to read or not, if you haven't seen it already. It's pretty harrowing. But perhaps there is something there that might also helpfully speak to your experience...Read More...

Janet Frame.

Forum: Book Forum
Muff, I read precisely that passage aloud to someone about 2 months ago. That one passage from that one story in that one book written 62 years ago.Read More...

How to Get Out of Your Mind and Into Your Life

Forum: Book Forum
Well, I know I for one need help in this realm so I will definitely check it out. I just ordered Pema Chodron's CD set called "Getting Unstuck". I can't wait to get it because so far the little I have heard of it has been enormously helpful to me. One thing she pointed out was that when you're scared to be kind to the fear. That helped me so much one day.Read More...


Forum: Book Forum
Was it good Red? I heard about it but was afraid I'd get triggered. I love Helen Hunt but she has looked anorexic lately and I get depressed seeing her like that.Read More...

Stroke of Insight

Forum: Book Forum
Hi Liese, I realised from this book that I am very strongly left brained. Her discription of the continuous stories coming from the left brain fits me so well. I suppose what I am doing in therapy is trying to develope my right brain and allow myself to feel more and be here in the present, not lost in the past or worrying about the future. What really hit me was the idea that the joy and fullfillment is there all the time in the right brain, but is often overpowered by the left brain, it is...Read More...


Forum: Book Forum
So, having read this book all the way through now; I can recommend it totally. Some of the neuroscience is a bit daunting but overall the insight it gives into how critical those early months and years are (both pre natal and ante natal) as regards the love and response we receive (or not as the case may be) from our caregivers is amazingly useful. Found it very calming to read as it makes it quite clear that my feelings or struggles with emotional regulation, are not my fault, and that the...Read More...

Home Inspection

Forum: Book Forum
Just finished this book as well and really enjoyed it! I have seen a lot of errors with Kindle books, but the errors aren't in the paper copies. I wonder if all of the same errors are in the paperback books? There were a ton of errors though!!Read More...
I'm going to post my long-winded reply in a separate thread. Somewhat related to the book, but I didn't want to get too far off track. Those books have helped me very, very much in arriving at the place of peace I am (almost) at now.Read More...