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Classical Personal Therapy Stories

Therapy being terminated against your will

Hi Sadly- Sounds like it could be interesting but I have yet to lose my T. We have been through some seriously painful shit, but we both seem willing to see it through- and work things out. but I bet I could learn from reading others stories. I have fired my T a few times, but he always acts so gracefull about it, that I have to go back. And we end up talking and working things out. maybe because- even if he were not my T- as a regular person I would like him and want to have some sort of...Read More...

Feeling Some Warmth

True North
Oh, TN! I've been following along with your posts, and I'm so pleased for you that this T seems so warm, compassionate, and competent. That is so great. No, it's not over, and it will probably take a very long time. But at least you can know (even if the feeling is just fleeting!) that you are headed toward healing. Big hugs to you and a very Merry Christmas.Read More...

frustrated by transference - wish I could see clearly

Thanks LG - yes, it helps to recognise and thanks STRM = I did tell him today and he said that he already really appreciates that I keep trying to be really transparent even when I am telling him that I am experiencing transference but don't know who it is, and also that I tell him I am hiding something because I am too scared to tell it yet. He was sweet and kind about it, as usual. Infact we talked a lot about my fears that he will end me before I am ready and he explained the limitations...Read More...

Cancelled session

hope it went well today and you are very fortunate having therapy for free, i hope the session went well and you were able to say how it affected you, being cancelled on and also move on to other things if you needed to.Read More...


I had a my last session yesterday before my T goes on vacation and he was definitely being weird. I've only been seeing him for a few months but he's always very serious, almost stoic. But this time he was laughing, joking and talking about Tv shows. Very out of character for him, and when I told him he was being "weird" he told me it was for us to banter a little and that I needed to laugh more. It was interesing to say the least. I didn't really feel like a productive session...We didn't...Read More...

Can someone help me?-so Confused!!

True North or Mayo, I've not visited the Forum for several months and have missed the insight, encouragement and support found here. I have C-PTSD and struggle to recognize any flashbacks that are not visual. I would like to read what TN had to say about emotional flashbacks. Can you share the link with me? Thanks, DeeplyRootedRead More...

I'm so stupid

Hi Incognito I have a very dear friend who says the same thing, that the only thing that keeps her going are her children. It is a very painful place to be in and that anxious pain in your chest is horrible, I have had that but not at the momnet and never for extended periods of time. I so wish i had something useful or helpful to say, and i'm really sorry that i don't. Happiness is so elusive, it comes and goes and i was just thinking is that at least by knowing most people have a happier...Read More...

Going away

I love happy endings!- when people work things out. Hope y'all are feeling better.Read More...

Completely Different Therapy Experience: EMDR

Yes, I am having loads of memories coming up, just flooding in, and lots of feelings but only today did it feel a bit over loading, which is day four days later, and I see her again on Tuesday - three days to go, feels just about manageable. I find the presence of someone else being kind whilst I am going through the trauma releasing, is so healing. Thanks STRM and the rest of you,Read More...

Help re ECT

Hi Halo I've had ECT before on two separate ocassions. I initially had uni-lateral ECT before moving to bilateral when I still wasn't feeling better. For me, I never had great results in 4 sessions. I generally had 10-12 sessions. As the sessions progressed, it was - for me -like the light was being switched back on in my brain. Initially this feeling didn't last long, maybe 1/2 day, but as treatment progressed, I found the good feelings lasted/held longer. I hope this is of some help. I'm OKRead More...


Wow, I totally thought I was the only one dealing with a T or shall I say DR. who was so hurtful and abusive. My T sent me a termination letter in the mail, she wont give me my files after I signed a release, she said I have DID and I asked her why she would blurt that out like that and why she made that answer...she left me confused, embaressed, sick, sad and depressed that I can't run my Bistro. I asked her if my friend can pick up my file..she said quote "you...Read More...

T cant fix it, can he?

Frog, So sorry I haven't replied sooner. You've had some really good and helpful replies here. I'm glad you were able to talk with your T about the vacation and that your last session left you feeling so warm and fuzzy. That is so important going into the break. Please know that we will be here during the break and hope that it doesn't feel too long or unbearable. Very well done and brave of you!Read More...


Sending you warm hugs Rio and hoping that you get some healing and be able to be kind and loving to yourself. It sounds hard for you right now especially when it is not a good time of year for you. thinking of youRead More...


Hi LadyGrey and welcome to the forum! I just wanted to say...I reeeeaaaalllly like how your T2 handled this. She sounds very professional and her plan going forward makes a TON of sense. Well done, working through this! I look forward to getting to know you better. Peace, SGRead More...

Sensing weakness in a parent

On a slightly different note, tonight my T said something that I personally think is awesome. I was complaining about my situation, and about how I'm sick of feeling like I'm not getting anywhere in therapy, etc. In the course of making a point about a dream I had recently, and responding to my complaint, he kind of stunned me by saying, "You know, I know psychotherapy sucks. I know that. But, what it does do is help you see and feel the little clues and bits of information that will help...Read More...

Last Session with new T until next year maybe

Sadly, I am glad you were able to get those feelings off of your chest and communicate with STeadyT. It sounds as though this was beneficial to you and that you were able to walk away from the session feeling better, even though you will not see her for two more weeks. Hang in there...the new year will be here before you know it.Read More...


HI LG, Just wanted to say hi also. I had a P in high school and thereafter. He was more of a friend. I didn't talk about deep issues with him. He would just do kind of college and career counseling with me. I just saw him recently after 20 years. I, too, wished I could go back and tell him how wonderful my life turned out but I couldn't either. Life is hard. I know there are a lot of people out there who think life is one big party but eventually the hardness, the loss, the pain of life will...Read More...

Reservations about T

I saw SteadyT and true to name, she kept steady. Before I even got there, FirstFinder, my dearly loved therapist of over 22 years ago emailed me: "PLEASE don't give up on this therapist." Now I really respect FirstFinder so there was no way I could end it with advice like that from her. She gave me no reasons - just said she was busy and would try and email me later on at the end of the week. So instead of going in and listing all my reasons for ending, I went in and just sat there a bit...Read More...

Fairy dust!!

Hey so impressed you've been looking up wombats They are kind of cute except if you *unavoidably* hit one - they're like brick walls Starfish - I've also sent a personal fairy dust sprinkle to Rio - how do I upload a bag onto this forum for each of you? Hi Permafrost - nice to meet you Gotta go, I'm at work Take gentle care of yourselves MorgsRead More...
Butterfly... oh no you did NOTHING insensitive at all and I'm sorry if I made you feel that way. I am happy for you and I hope things go well in the session. And yes I know you would use your magic wand to help me because that is the kind of person you are... a very good and caring person. I am still somewhat hopeful that I may one day find some peace with all of this. Thanks so much for your support. Hug TNRead More...

Wondering how I ended up there

Hi Confuzzled Love your name. Welcome to the forum! I can really relate to everything you said. But I would just add, that even when I go in "knowing" what I want to talk about...for example, if I'm organized enough to bring notes that I wrote down earlier in the week when all the ideas were coming to me...very often we STILL end up talking about something totally different. My T is very psychodynamic and relational, so she really likes to find out how I'm feeling "right then". And even...Read More...

Going back to semi lurkdom!

Oh, nooo! I noticed you weren't around quite as much lately, so thanks for letting us know! I'm glad it's for a good reason, but will miss you loads. Please come back when you can, Morgs! Love, giant hugs, BBRead More...

Can I work with a psychologist AND a pyschotherapist?

Session three with steady T happened this afternoon, and last of the four next Monday. I think I shall continue with her, they are all happy that I have the THREE of them in place, they are fulfilling different functions and so it seems like they are 'my team'. I also feel more in power, like I have 'hired' two of them and that feels much easier than being told by them what and when and how I can see them and for how long. After Firstfinder, the C, I don;t EVER want to be in that powerless...Read More...

Interacting with authority figures

Hi Confuzzled, Welcome to the forums, I'm glad you decided to post. I love your username although I'll probably end up calling you fuzzy at some point. I just wanted you to know that I could have written this post. I've felt that way about authority figures my whole life. For me, it turned out to be me searching to get the love, care and nurture I should have had as a child and didn't. It was in working with and talking about these feelings for my therapist (and those oh so necessary but...Read More...