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Yes, I have four in my life in very close and connected ways that cause me and others I care about much emotional pain. My father, one brother, his wife and my adopted brother's step-son. It sucks. I can't leave and cut them out of my life like recommended. My T even says she wishes I could move. However, there are innocent children also involved.

What's really hard is that, according to T, sone of the defenses I've developed through childhood and beyond are necessary for protection against them. Though it is these defense mechanisms that have caused me to become alone, depressed and stuck. T assures me it's possible to work with the subconscious to differentiate between who's safe and trustworthy and them. It will take tine, she says, but I have to. My subconscious now tells me everyone is unsafe, an I don't want to live a life feeling so disconnected.