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Number9 Smiler thanks for your words of wisdom here.

If they lack emotions, they do now how to do a few things very very well: Charm, maniupulation, and crocodile tears. Ever notice that when they go into an emotional state they can shut it off just as quickly?

Ah! Yes, this is what I noticed in the sociopathic landlady I had before I moved. I got very angry toward her about how she was hitting at my vulnerabilities. She was winding me up and making me upset.

It's a looongg story but I ended up flipping out at her and calling her up on how she was manipulating me. She didn't react. Cool as cucumbers. I was really angry at what she was doing and how sly she had become. There were only two times where she reacted to me with all that repressed, scary anger. I said to her 'you have the emotional maturity of a 5 year old' and she found it hard to not keep herself guarded because in truth, yes, she is a very pained 5 year old. She's had an awful childhood. Also, she recorded one of my conversations I had with my stepdad on her iphone in which she played it on low speaker so I could just about hear it. She did it with a small smirk on her face. When I said to her 'excuse me, have you been recording my conversations?', this seething, scary, utterly malicious anger came out. It was as if she was a completely different person. Her face twisted into something else I swear.

But as equally as she showed it, she withdrew it and became this cool, reasoning, reliable, charitable person again.

Even after my verbal outbursts at her, after the arguments, at the end of it, she got me out of her house onto the sofa with one of her tenants the floor below and was as 'lovely' as she ever was. Helpful, friendly, 'concerned'.

But her behaviour suggests otherwise. She withdraws her love from her daughter and calls it a 'concern'. She criticises her best friend and calls it 'analysis'. She watches tv programs and comments on how this doesn't suit this woman, or that dress looks terrible and calls it an 'observation'.

Her daughter suffers major depression, low self esteem, no direction, finds the world an uninviting place and is unfortunately following in the footsteps of her mother a little. The only difference is that she is apt to questioning herself much more than her mother, who prefers to escape and immerse into managing her business.