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Hi Lady Grey Smiler

thanks for the link. I have to say, the writer really pissed me off. I wonder if he would have written things differently if he knew clients would be reading. My instinct says yes, and that pisses me off more. His article reads like he's winking to an audience of "in-the-knows" who commiserate with him. If he's that annoyed by "breakthrough" emails, it's easy enough to take if off the table as an option for his clients.

Personally, I have never emailed my T. She's never offered and I've never asked. I sometimes wish I could, because for me, email feels a bit like the 'easier way out'. I know I can communicate in writing. It's the verbal stuff I have problems with. So it feels like, if I email, I am 'cheating' my way out of working through stuff that I have trouble with. But, ultimately, I don't *really* know. Because I've never emailed, I don't have any experience with whether it would make a difference to me-- damaging or not.