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One of the "issues" that I have is being OVERLY concerned with boundaries. Frankly, I"m a little tired of the word itself. Smiler I was constantly worrying about overstepping them, and it was (in the words of my T) hindering our progress. I tend to withdraw and assume that people don't want to talk to me, return phone calls, texts, etc. Because that IS what was happening. People are in a deep habit of blowing each other off, simply because it is too "inconvenient" to return a phone call or text. I don't Inundate people with VM messages or texts, either... once or twice is enough.

It is a recent trend to overemphasize "boundaries" and underemphasize human connection, in my opinion. I don't know how many self-help books I have seen that discuss this- talking about one's problems is considered "emotional vampirism", beng in the presence of someone in pain is too much for "friends" to handle, and we must all lower our "expectations" of our fellow human beings and their capacity for empathy and listening. Keeping our "shit" to ourselves is considered a virtue in this day and age. Seriously, I am so conservative and skittish about reaching out that it is ridiculous. Distraction was the only tool in my toolbox. It works well, but only for so long.

I don't "abuse" my privileges with the written correspondence. (Well, I do write a lot here, I guess I could worry about that now Wink Certainly I have worried about it. But with T I have not even come close, according to T. He knows what he is doing.

So yes, I do resent what this T has had to say and how he has said it. He is not part of my therapeutic process, he is not my T, and he certainly does not have an open mind.

Having said that I still keep a self-imposed cap on the writing, because I don't want to accidentally run into that boundary that freaks me out so much!