EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing which is stated to maximize treatment effects of other structured protocols of therapy. This technique was pioneered and developed by Dr. Francine Shapiro, possibly 12-14 years ago now. All though it is named Eye Movement Desensitization I do not use the eye movement method, I prefer the use of bilateral audio and/or hand tactile stimulation, which allow for the same processing to take place. This is done in sequences throughout the session. I have found this very helpful in processing through the multiple traumas, which according to research can be done in less time with the use of EMDR. Understanding the connections that are being made in the brain in the therapy process, it makes sense that this sort of stimulation helps that process along.
There is a lot of information on this once very debatable subject and is virtually been exploding through the psychotherapy scene in the last 10 years. Here is a link to the official EMDR website if you want any further information: http://www.emdr.com/index.htm
I also will warn that EMDR techniques have been copied by some professional and thus given similar names to these techniques, but it is recommended that one should only seek treatment through a qualified therapist who has been trained in EMDR through the EMDR Institute.
I hope this answers your question. Because of the eye movement some people think, as I first wondered myself, if it had anything to do with hypnosis, and it absolutely does not.
I wonder just how irrelevant your questions you'd like to ask your T really are. I know how awkward it is to ask and we feel like we shouldn't. But sometimes knowing certain answers to questions strike a connection between C and T. Unless you are certain that your questions infringe on boundaries, I'd ask.
There are certain things that my T does share that she does not have to share, but are often relative to our discussion. There are strategic allowances that can be made in personal knowledge and information that an attuned T can discern. -Did that make any sense?? Anyway, I know you didn't ask for my opinion on that, but I think we need to get to know our T as intimately as they will/can allow for the limbic resonance to really spark.