I can totally relate to the left brain type, one of the tough things about therapy for me is the fact that I can't just "think" my way out of it. I've used my intellect to try and compensate for a long time. Thanks for the encouragement, its easier to face the discomfort knowing that its healing work. I think the hardest part is coming face to face with the fact that I'm not as good at taking criticism as I'd like to think. Or ok, maybe its the part about not being perfect.

But it does help to know that other people have struggled with this, thanks for commenting. Its also really helped to find a T who really works to accept and understand me in such a way that a safe place to look at myself is created. I don't think I could tolerate this if I didn't think I was secure. I know you have talked in other places about how important safety is and I have to say that my experience has bourne that out.