It seems to me that it is different from country to country what the professionals do, as in my country an Audiologist do provide support related to the emotional challenges related to the disease/disability. But as one do not need a licence or registration to this titly it may differ from each person. As I understand the hospitals often refer their patients to Audiologist for providing coping skills.
I have never heard of a health psychologist so we probably do not have this profession. As the psychatric generally is understaffed, the ones who provide support often are Social Educators, psychiatric Nurses or similar professions. Psychologist are much sought after and will often only be assigned to those with more severe mental issues.
As the session I attent with this Therapist is mostly focused on various excercises and using medical devices I sometimes talk about the mental issues I'm facing, mostly those who are related to the disability.
I really want a therapist to deal with the attachment issues but as I'm high functional the NHS will usually only cover a limited amount of sessions (around 12). I've several times tried to raise the subject with my former T's but they seem to not want to go into the subject, or downplay it. Emotional abuse and attachment disorders appears to be a neglected subject in their education. But as my disease is chronic and severe the NHS covers unlimited Audiologist sessions.