I've been on antidepressants for a number of years. Fought my T tooth and nail about them for around a year, because there's so much self medication in the my family I was really wary of getting dependent on a drug. Finally gave in (cause at the time I was in pretty bad shape) and got a script from my GP. At my insurance company's insistance I went to a psychopharmocologist (psych who specializes in meds just in case you haven't heard the term). I started out on Nortripyline which is a really old one at this point and it helped except it had two side effects for me, increased appetite (last thing I needed as I'm morbibly obese (but not for long!!)) and it decreased my libido, which I didn't really clue into until I got off it and suddenly new life returned

I will agree with a lot of what you've heard which is different people can have very different reactions to different medications. It takes a little while to see if one works for you and it can take some time to find the right one. All that said, I would have to say on balance that they've helped me. But I do go once every three months to check in with my doctor. And I agree with JM that its important to see a specialist for them. They really do have a lot more knowledge and experience using these types of meds.