I've been on a few different kinds. It took almost 6 months to find the right combo initially and those worked for about 5-6 years but then stopped being effective so I had to kind of start over finding a new combo that would work for me. It can get complicated and this is why you need to work with a psychiatrist to get the right prescription.
I didn't take any meds for the first year of treatment and I saw some progress. However, then I had a traumatic event happen that sent me so close to the edge I knew that I had to try something else too. I've also been on the meds during a long period between therapists and they can keep you stable but they don't make you better. For me, the most effective treatment has been the combination of meds and talk therapy.
I hope this wasn't more info than you wanted. But just in case you do want more info check out the CrazyMeds website. It is a very informative website and funny as hell.