I just wanted to let you know that I just recently quit drinking too. I don’t know if you noticed or not, but I have posted about it here and there. I just wanted to extend my hand and let you know that you are not alone in this either. While it’s not easy and it has its ups and downs, it does get better.
I don’t know if you find this helpful, but I have come up with some personal affirmations that keep my thinking straight and when I get a strong craving I read them out loud as often as I need to.
1) When I don’t drink, I am in control. When I do drink, alcohol is in control.
2) My urge to drink is strong, but by defeating it I feel much better about myself than if I were to give into it.
Hang in there and if you ever want to talk about it I am here whether you want to address me directly or in general, because everyone here has been very supportive to me when I've addressed my need.
As for the anti-anxiety meds, it was a good idea that you called your T about that so that she could be aware of it too and determine that it would not hinder your therapy. Certainly if it eases your anxiety enough in order to fucntion there is nothing wrong with taking them temporarily. I still consider it from time to time myself. (it's tough sometimes)
JM (73 days sober.)