In my case, I do have a history of insidious time loss and still have bits there and there, but it is very limited outside of therapy since T started working directly with the parts. T has decided to use the label DID, but I feel like maybe somewhere along the border between DDNOS and DID would be most accurate for me, just because I don't lose executive control too much and when I do, I usual "witness" it, although there are definitely times when I go mostly fuzzy or completely disappear. That can be true anyway and still not be DID, I think. My T has said that his experience doing parts work the last few months has been utterly consistent and he isn't questioning the diagnosis, but I think from his point of view, what we call it isn't important. Rather, the fact is...I have parts that hold trauma and perform various roles in my life. They were once necessary for survival. Now they are maladaptive and interfere with my life. We need to bring their experiences into conscious awareness and integrate them, so I can live a full life, not one where I am so phobic of attachment, failure and specific triggers that I limit myself to hyper-controlled environments. So, whether it is CPTSD or DDNOS or DID, I think, is beside the point. Of course, once that argument is made, I go to, "Well, I'm probably just making up the parts themselves."