Reply to "article on attachment"
Well, there is this thing I have come across about a "depleted host" in some of what I have read and what you are saying kind of reminds me of that. I don't know if it relates as I haven't read it in a while. I myself did not strive for attachment, so I sometimes have a hard time related to some of the ways that ANP and EP are defined and don't find the distinguishing particularly useful at times. I thought the article you posted on dependency had the least narrow/restricted view I have read. ANP are supposed to be about daily life and mine are, but as that article said "fixated in avoidance of the trauma." For me, attachment itself is triggering and one of the things to be avoided. I don't know if that makes sense. I am just throwing things out here. I don't think your ANP disappeared. She probably just got really exhausted!!!