I just wanted to add- (to your question) When i realized i felt "something" for my T, it was first overwhelming and all-absorbing in my life. I told my T (after 6 session?) that i felt in love with him, (most critical moment in my life!) AND that i did not knew what to "do with it" how to cope with it and so on. I was also worried and confused about the quality and authenticity ("is it all just fabricated feelings? prejections?" etc) of these feelings... My T did never minimized, dismissed or called my feelings "only projections caused by xxx..." and so on. That was very helpful for me sinse I have a sad tendency to intellectualize every emotion, and not "belive" them... You know?
I`m still thankful that my T ascribed my emotions the vaulue they had and still have.
And slowly the frustration faded away, and i just learned to "fall back" relax and enjoy the warm emotions, welcoming them- (as my T did. He actually said it was nessecary with this feelings in therapy! That it was a very good sign, and that it was a healthy reaction..etc.) not fighting them every step, but allowing my self to love (yes, i call it to love) the process and the help i recieved. And still recieve.