I don't know that my response will be much help to you, as my relationship with my T isn't 'ideal' by most standards and I know you've been alarmed by several things that my T has said or done. However, our relationship is getting better, stronger, closer, and I feel that things are moving in a more positive direction finally as ruptures are repaired and my T is doing her best to understand me and my sensitivity to her. I'm not an easy one to deal with!

quote:what is it that makes you start feeling that way about your T
For me I've come to realize that I have issues with 'idealizing'. With all the people I've become attached to like I've done with my T, I've started out idealizing them, admiring their positive qualities, traits, characterstics, etc. They have something(s) about them that appeals to me, that seems above and beyond what I see as ordinary, so I put them on a pedestal. It's all down hill from there. They always fall off of course, but that is what starts me down the attachment road.
quote:when did you realize it, what led up to it, did you anticipate it, did you feel ok about it
I had a session early in December where my T was getting me ready to start some EMDR. She wanted me to identify some targets. She told me to start going back through my childhood and listing in a notebook anything traumatic that I could remember, and she made sure to emphasize that she wanted me to write down even things that seemed like little traumas because she said a lot of little "t's" could make a big "T". I think that was a huge turning point for me because until then I was afraid of her judging my stuff as being ALL just a bunch of "little t's", because she has that 'Put on your big girl panties and deal with it' sign in her office. That sign lost a lot of it's meaning for me that day, and she took on a different role suddenly. Kinda weird.

quote:how did (or does) your T deal with those feelings
It took me 5 days after my panic attack to get up the courage to call my T and tell her I had attachment issues with her now. Her response was, "Hmmmm."

quote:do you sense that it’s not ‘real’ at all or that it’s actually your own needs being projected (that’s a big one for me), and generally whether it’s a good thing or a problem
As time has gone by and I've had a lot of time to think about all of this attachment stuff, I have come to to believe that it is both real and also my needs being projected. I truly care deeply for my T, independent of my needs for love, acceptance, etc. She is a unique person who has selflessly given to me more than she has been obligated to give me because of her job. I sense genuine caring from this woman who really doesn't 'owe' me more than the hour of time she gives me, yet I feel more from her than that 'obligation'. I'm sure from my previous many posts that you know I've had a lot of issues with my attachment to my T, but as I have opened up to her and been honest with her instead of trying to hide things and take care of her feelings first (which is something I'm realizing I can't do if I want to make any progress) I have begun to see some real positive changes in how I feel about my attachment to my T. She has been so much more willing to work through this stuff since she realized how big an issues it is for me, and I'm beginning to see that some of my perceptions of her were wrong. Our communication with each other is more open and I'm trusting her more and she's probing me for emotional responses(which she's not done before). Things are different in a good way, and I feel like they'll only keep getting better.
I hope that none of that made you panic.

Hugs ((((LL))))