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I hope everyone is doing well. I have been having a bumpy time and the Therapist contacted me and I spoke briefly with him by phone. He is gently reminding me that if he did not want to work with me he would have kicked me out of therapy when I took the page from his file.

This raises an interesting point. I have wondered why he did not kick me out because I completely crossed a line when I took the paper from the file. (I am in no way bragging about this as I am truly embarrassed by my behavior.) I just don't understand why he would continue to see me knowing I did this.

He is not paid to put up with these kinds of things and I know he could have kicked me out. I guess I don't understand why he didn't. He did say he saw it as another attempt to push him away and get him to tell me to go.

Is there something wrong with him because he did not kick me out? I don't mean this in an attacking way towards him; I just don't know of too many Therapists who would have put up with this.

I am working through some things and realizing he could have given up on me a long time ago.

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