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Reply to "Basket Case Thread"

Hi Samy! It's good to hear from you. Sounds like you will have quite a full weekend. Are you going to be in and out for the two weeks or will we have to wait to hear from you until you get back? I hope you have a good time.

As for me being a basket case: My T is out of town all next week... AAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH! NOT AGAIN! Ok, it's just one week, you can do this. Does re-traumatize mean _anything_ to her?

Ok, not really. I think I will be ok this time, but thanks for starting the thread a little early AG. I am sure it will be quite the hot spot over the next week.

And ((((((AJB)))))). It sounds like you are really struggling. The decison to terminate is not an easy one even when "it's time." So my heart goes out to you. You really feel that you've dealt with all the issues you needed to deal with? (I wonder what that's like) It's true that sometimes you do have to move on, but I hope it is because you really do feel a sustainable and positive shift in your life. I hope you will make your way back here from time to time though and at least say hi even if you do terminate.
