It's good to hear from you and I am sorry for your loss. We lost my very beloved MIL last January and this is our first Christmas without her. This can be such a tough time of year just because of expectations, add in a major loss and its really difficult.
And four weeks! You're a better woman than I am! It must be hard to be thinking about termination. But I definitely think talking to your T about it is a good idea.
Hi Samy,
Wow, I didn't know you knew Shrinklady out in the real world. That's pretty cool. I would imagine seeing your T followed by seeing your T and Shrinklady makes for a really great couple of days. But I know two weeks is a long time!
Just keep telling yourself that you made it through three weeks before, you can do one week. May not help, but it will give you something to do to pass the time.

That's a lot to handle all at once, seeing your son's therapist for possibly the last time while your T is away. I'm really sorry. I really have to get going on finishing my time machine so we can all skip these gaps.
We can all get through this together!