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Reply to "Basket Case Thread"

I can't see my T for 4 more weeks(it's already been 2 weeks). I am really struggling today because I REALLY REALLY want to contact him. But I am trying to be strong. I may discuss terminating my therapy at the next visit. I can see lots of progress. I don't want to not see him again, but I am not knowing what to do with the tansference issue. I think that may be the only reason I am still going... sound like me...trying to be strong (or good) by not contacting my T when I needed to. In fact, if you do contact him that is a healthy thing to do. It's really okay to want contact with him when you have a need you don't have to be strong. As I've learned, it's not wimpy or needy or dependent, you are just asking for what you need. Some of never learned that it was okay to make our needs known and so we struggle with this. As far as being finished with therapy...I think (and please this is only my opinion)if you have not dealt with the transference issue within the therapy then there is still work to be done. Bringing the transference into the open can be lots of grist for the (therapy) mill. Good luck with whatever decision you make.
