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Reply to "Basket Case Thread"

My T usually takes two weeks off over Christmas/New Year's. I remember how miserable I was last Christmas. Thank goodness she decided to work next Monday so I'll see her one more time before the holidays and then not until the 5th. So, it is only two weeks but it is two weeks with no possible contact. She doesn't take calls or emails during her breaks. I can't say that I blame her because she only takes a total of 5 weeks off a year.

You know, I am really impressed by her consistency. In the last 2 1/2 yrs that I've been seeing her I don't think either of us has had to cancel an appt. She is pretty much always on time and always cheerful and attentive. I don't think I could do it - having my life so scheduled out like that and having to plan all my vacations way in advance and then prepping all the clients for my absence. I am all for schedules and routines but I still don't think I could keep it up year after year.