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Reply to "Basket Case Thread"


I am so glad to hear that you have great friends to talk to when things get rough. My question would be though, are these people who you could tell anything? Without worrying about what they think of you, or that they might just slip and tell your secret to someone else, or when they look you in the eye are they thinking about your deepest, darkest feelings? If so, then I think you are very lucky to have people like this in your life.

None of us intended to get "attached" to our T, it just happens. While I know that it is possible to heal without transference, I also know that it is the purest way of getting to those feelings and emotions that you never knew you had.

I understand about all your anxiety issues. I have plenty of my own. And my transference has caused plenty of anxiety too, but I also think that the feelings and anxiety I have with and for my T are helping me to get to the core of my problems.

Just my own 2 cents -- it may be different for you.
