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Reply to "Basket Case Thread"

Hi SimplyMe!
It's good to hear from you and I'm glad that things are going well with the new T.

That is so wonderful that you have friends like that. I know I have several good friends who see it all, the good, bad and ugly, but I know they are there no matter what. I have one friend that I've known for over 26 years and I still remember clearly when we realized that this friendship was as important to us as our respective marriages. Having that kind of support has been an amazing help in healing. I'm really glad to hear you have that.

And I agree, transference is not necessary to progress in therapy. I rather envy you for not experiencing it, it tends to be a little consuming for my taste. Smiler

But I think when it happens, and I know I could not believe how intense it was, the best way to handle it is to face it head on. So I actually agree with both you and PuppyLover.
