It is absolutely truthful and I think I already said this, but not everyone experiences transference in therapy nor does everyone need to. But when it happens (and trust me it takes most of us by surprise)it can be an excellent magnifying glass into our deepest emotions and relationship problems that we can't otherwise see. It is not so much about the Therapist as it is about the past. Transference is not a four letter word and while it does incite some anxiety and counting off days, it is not an enemy either.
I will say that if you have to fight or concsiously hold back from experiencing it you're fooling yourself. Someone who doesn't feel transference doesn't have to fight it. And to hold back from attachment is repeating the same thing you learned to do in your history. To think that attachment and dependency mean bad, when in fact working with someone who is highly qualified to help you see the difference is more rewarding than any of us can find words for.
But I also appreciate that the experience you had with your last T may make you err on the side of caution and I don't blame you for that. In fact, it is smart of you. You were given intelligence, and I believe a great deal of intelligence as I sense from your posts and you are using it. Also sounds very much like a survival mechanism, but then I am implying my own expereince there and may be way off.
Anway, I do respect your opinion and feelings and it is nice to have you back.