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Reply to "Basket Case Thread"

Originally posted by Just Me:

I will say that if you have to fight or concsiously hold back from experiencing it you're fooling yourself. Someone who doesn't feel transference doesn't have to fight it. And to hold back from attachment is repeating the same thing you learned to do in your history. To think that attachment and dependency mean bad, when in fact working with someone who is highly qualified to help you see the difference is more rewarding than any of us can find words for.


What does transference have to do with attachment or dependence? Does transference have anything to do with counting down the days until your next session?

Have you ever considered that maybe some individuals are/have been in therapy because they become very "attached and dependent" to individuals that are in their lives and that it is an unhealthy attachment/dependency? This isn't my first foray into therapy. I was in therapy many years ago and I learned that I needed to be in control of my life. Everyone has choices and this is what I chose. No, I am not fooling myself about transference, but I am also not dealing with issues from "my past". I have dealt with those previously. I am dealing with issues that I am experiencing currently.