quote:Originally posted by Simplyme2003:
What does transference have to do with attachment or dependence? Does transference have anything to do with counting down the days until your next session?
I think it has everything to do with attachment and dependence, especially if that was lacking in a person's childhood.
There are different definitions of what transference really is. While I've been looking upon my feelings for my son's T as transference, my own T has questioned on a couple of occasions whether it was transference or something else. She said yesterday it sounded like I was "falling in love" but without all the romantic, physical attraction. I see that my feelings became so intense, so quickly, because I never felt as accepted and validated as I did with her. That is something that was sorely missing from my childhood. I became attached and dependent on her, because she filled that need for me.
Simplyme2003: I have also made a decision to be in control my life, and to not get too dependent on anyone. Believe me, the last thing I was expecting was the depth and intensity of my feelings.
I'm very envious of those who get to work through their transference issues with their Ts. It seems like a very positive experience to me.