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Reply to "Basket Case Thread"

Hi all...I'm in that state right now of feeling paralyzed or numb I guess. I've been reading today but haven't felt like posting.

@JM...I so understand you worrying about your T traveling and how uncertain it makes you feel until you know she's arrived safely. That's because she is your attachment figure (but you already know that I'm sure). And you are a little girl where she is concerned. In my case it's that my T is going for some surgery this week and it is making me feel very insecure and fearful. It's nothing life threatening but it feels very scary to me. I won't be seeing him this week because of it but he has committed to seeing me the following week. I hope he is able and feeling well enough to keep that appointment. He has told me I can call or email but do I want to bother him when he's not feeling well? I may email him just to know that he's okay. He has told me not to worry and there is no need to worry but, again, I feel like I'm 5 years old and worried about my caregiver going away.

@PL...I now have 4 VMs that I keep. Two are on my cell phone and I listen to them all the time. I especially love love when he says my name. I may follow your lead and go journal all these emotions I'm feeling and perhaps talk to him about it when I see him next time.
