quote:And TN, I am sure that your T having surgery would create some intense feelings of insecurity and fear for you as well. It feels like a such a risk and we can't risk losing them. Though I know that we won't, but at least for me that is what my fears are attached to. An impending fear of loss, of losing someone I _love_ and something very bad happening was played over and over in my childhood.
Yes, that's it. That fear is always with me... of losing the people who are important to me, which leads into that fear of abandonment that I can't seem to shake. My T does reassure me and he has been doing it more and more lately as he has come to understand what is behind my need for it. But the whole surgery thing was just an unexpected twist to my fears. And thanks for giving me a chuckle about his taking the cell phone into surgery and waking up to take my call

I think it's awesome that you can tape your sessions. So many times I say to myself... gee I wish I had that session on tape so I can remember everything he told me and maybe have a better chance of it penetrating my stubborn brain. It's like he tells me things and I just can't seem to believe or accept it. Especially if it's something good or nice. Sometimes I convince myself that he "really" didn't say that or that I dreamed it or imagined it. It would be nice to be able to listen to it on tape over and over again. And yes I remember when your T gave you that recording to comfort you while she was gone. That was a wonderful thing to do for you. I hope you know how much she has shown her care for you.