quote:I'm one of those people who is always afraid to "bother" someone because they will be annoyed with me and I will lose them. Irrational...I know.
No, not irrational at all! Well, I hope it isn't because that is how I feel too. I never realized how fearful I was of losing people or being abandoned until I had some pretty big losses in my family. Now in therapy, it has become very obvious to me that I attach to people because of my fear of losing them. So therefore, I have a HUGE attachment to my T. The thought of bothering her, or disappointing her, or hurting her feelings is almost more than I can stand. She reassures me all the time that this won't happen, but my brain doesn't believe it yet.
I also think that taping your sessions is a great idea JM. Sometimes my T will ask me, "So what did you take away from our last session?" Then I get nervous because I'm thinking, "What did we talk about in our last session? It was only 2 days ago and I can't remember." She then reminds me of something, and it clicks. I just thought my memory was shot to hell! I think if Itaped them though, I would spend every moment of every day listening to them just to hear the softness and compassion in her voice. I'm so obsessed with her already, that I really wouldn't get anything else done! Probably good for me to just stick to the 4 VMs that I have.

TN- I have this image of a man in surgery picking up the cell phone and telling his Dr. "I HAVE to answer it! It's one of my clients!" Then all of the medical people have to stand around twiddling their thumbs while the T reassures the client that all is ok. Even though that wouldn't happen, it kinda gives you a good feeling to realize that our T's give up a lot to take good care of us. I am constantly amazed that people like my T (and all of yours) exist. Lucky for us!