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Reply to "Basket Case Thread"

For me it takes in a multiplicity of traumatic events and unmet needs. I often feel myself as an infant crying for my mother just to feel held and loved and to not get that need fulfilled enough is painful abandonment. To fear the chaos and violence of everything going on around me with no one stepping in to protect me also leaves me with a sense of abandonment. All I knew was that no one would or could stick around enough. love me enough to protect me from the circumstances I was faced with from a very young age. As hard as I know my mother tried to love me enough she was not capable of it. Why would my T be any better than my mother, the one person in this world who is supposed to love me enough and even made me think she loved me enough when in reality she failed me greatly. of course I fear that my T will abandon me. My mother couldn't contain my pain, I had to do that on my own and carry hers simultaneously. That is what I learned and that is the filter I placed over all of my relationships. Some of which in turn validated my negative beliefs too. However the T realtionship is different, but it's a long long learning process to realize that and to finally believe that.

I hope that helps esplain things a little. Smiler