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Reply to "Basket Case Thread"

Every time I turn a page, I can imagine that she touched the book. Am I cracked or what? I guess it is sort of like having her here with me.

Oh my THAt is cracked PL! I never heard of anything like that.(She says with her fingers crossed behind her back. Big GrinOf course I am kidding. I borrowed one of my T's books and felt the same way. She borrowed my General Theory of Love book and I had to touch every page again just due to the thought of it having been in her hands and haviing been all the way to Israel and back was pretty cool to think about too.
My T gives me his business card with my next appt time on the back at the end of each session and sometimes I pick it up and run my fingers over where he wrote because I know he touched it. I feel like such a lovesick idiot sometimes. But this is primitive intense stuff. So if you are cracked you're hanging with the right crackpots.

Yeah, I never do that either. And I do not keep every one of her business cards either. Lovesick, never heard of it. (picks up T's used coffee mug and slips it into her pocket as she leaves session) Not me no way no how. (insert insane looking emoticon here) Big Grin