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Reply to "body memories ..."


Wow.....quite a journey thus far for you......No health care professional has "labelled" me with borderline personality disorder....and I prefer to see individuals as unique intricate beings trying to do their best to navigate through opposed to a list of diagnoses.....I grew up in a middle class family, the eldest of three children....My father (an alcholic until 1979 when he quit drinking) provided all the materials things that life could offer; however, he failed to provide the one thing that I really ever needed or wanted....just to be loved and accepted as me....(he was too busy being a lunatic).....My mom (God rest her soul) was a very kind, gentle but silent lady. Somehow, I never managed to bond and connect with either parent.....As a result, I have difficulties (because of my sensitive nature) bonding and connecting with others......A great part of my therapy focuses on learning to trust....I read once "no amount of therapy can heal a heart that cannot trust, to learn to trust is often the heart of the therapy".....And so, I am open to the possibility of healing my broken heart.....

I send more healing thoughts your way....
