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Reply to "Can't "compete""


I don't think I've chatted with you before. Welcome Smiler
This is just my opinion, so take it as you will Razzer

Sounds like you are hurting because you don't feel special to your T (you might be and just don't know it!). I know what you mean because I don't feel special to my P either (I might be, but I don't feel it all the time. God knows we argue like mother-daughter sometimes so maybe we have a like/hate relationship).
But that said ... technically they aren't there to like you, heck they don't even have to like you to treat you. They are there to do a job, to help you get through an issue and to teach you better ways of handling yourself in regards to those issues. In the end I think it's maybe better to not have that 'special' client relationship because it doesn't get in the way of doing your work, getting through your stuff and moving on. You see the people that have those special relationships .. they are addicted to the T or P and stay in therapy much longer than they would have needed otherwise!

Sorry I don't mean to sound harsh, and that I wasn't much help Eeker You could try talking to your T about your thoughts and feelings where this is concerned .. and see what avenue it takes you down.

Good luck!
