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Reply to "Can't "compete""

I want to be special and unique too. But it's not just with my therapist, it's with many many people. I don't think I ever felt special to anyone as I was growing up, so I really crave that.

I did struggle a lot wondering if I mattered to my son's former T (who I experienced transference or attachment with). She told me a few times that I was different than the other parents she dealt with, that she enjoyed talking to me, and other things that made me believe I really was special. I still wonder about these things and I haven't seen her in therapy for more than 6 months. My current T says that my feelings will fade in time, but I'm not so sure.

I don't think this attachment was all bad, I think it opened up an avenue to help me explore some of the issues I wasn't really facing. I feel like maybe I can be more completely healed this time as opposed to my other two times in therapy where this didn't come up.
