quote:'m not sure if you are experiencing things exactly how I think you may be but I hope either your C or your T hear your fear about this separation. If the separation is unavoidable, if you are definitely terminating with your C then IMHO the rest of your sessions should be focused on healing the attachment wound it is going to cause.
Deep Fried.
I think working on how much it has hurt and how it will hurt leaving her is a good idea, as it is going to hurt like hell and in a way she needs to really work on that with me as she is the one who is doing the ending not me.
So i agree with that, Hugely.
In an ideal world I would work on ending with her whilst I work on beginning with Nick but HE said (last time I talked with him) that we cannot be working concurrently (at the same time) but I shall talk to him today about it.
urgh, this is so DRAINING.