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Reply to "Counsellor has just offered another session to talk it through.Updated - Ended today."


I agree with doesn't seem like your needs are being considered at all. Is it possible that you could talk to another psychologist, just to get another viewpoint here? Things seem so turbulent with your counselor that to add a bit of a wishy washy psychologist on top of that seems like a recipe for disaster. Of course, I do think it is really great that it sounds like you're at least getting a little more time to transition, but just in case you have another rupture, it seems like you should have someone dependable to fall back on, at least for basic support. And even if this psychologist has his opinions about what others in the system can or can't do, I don't know if you should completely take his word for it.

I'm sorry this is so painful for you...please hang in there.
