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Reply to "Counsellor has just offered another session to talk it through.Updated - Ended today."

I am hanging in there. I guess I am confident enough NOT to take what the psychologist says as gospel. Also it is not my experience of previous therapy, twenty years ago. My T re parented me and healed a lot of me through her love and care and patience and kindness. She was a true T in the best sense.

But a session once every 14 days because that is all the health care funding in my part of England offers, well that is APPALLING.

So I am fingers crossed for my present C being persuaded to keep me until Easter and THEN I go private.

And I will have more control then.

I am SO GLAD I found this site just when this all was erupting, it is proving so helpful to have your imput and support.

It is massively painful just now but I am doing quite well through it and I think of what True North is going through and feel that my termination is not so bad and how AG actually came out the OTHER side - so it can be done.

I am hanging on in there, Maybe on Monday lunchtime I will hear if my C is prepared to keep going with me.

Maybe I am just too challenging a client. I don't just believe what they say or do AT ALL.

I also am very very hurt, so am not easy to handle.