That is so clearly put and so helpful. I think we shall all benefit from what you have written here just now.
That IS the re parenting that I am talking about and it is also like you say about grieving what you lost. I also am aware that I carry scars, (some of them very physical and literal) but that I shall get to a place where the pain is not immobilising me. When I look back, the pain was creating patterns of interaction and tangles in my life and now I am very aware of it and facing it and feeling its undercurrents. This is progress.
I am still torn as I find it hard to move on from this C who is not up to scratch and I am not sure the T (psychologist) is up to scratch and I was a bit thrown by the possible new T being involved with my old C's supervisor, 0 that is SUCH a shame, as she seemed very good. I live in a very rural area so have to travel to get to cities or towns so it is hard.
I am just seeing what unfolds, and keeping my options open. I would like a better qualified T - for sure, - like most people here, I want YOURS!! I can work towards finding this person. Someone wrote on here that I need to find someone who is cleverer than me and actually I agree with that, - I am clever, and I can actually usually run rings round people if I need to, or want to. I need a T who is way ahead of me and stays firm.
thank you for posting, going to print that out so that I can keep reading it over.
You should write a book. "therapy and how to survive it."